Warning light.

Just had this orange warning light appear. Am I correct in thinking that I’m ok to drive but must stop if it turns to red?

Just ■■■■ on it mate, or quench it with what’s left in last night’s cans of lager…it’ll be fine. :sunglasses:

the maoster:
Just had this orange warning light appear. Am I correct in thinking that I’m ok to drive but must stop if it turns to red?

That’s what you call having a bad day at the office mate.

Are you sure it wasn’t on when you did your morning checks ? Anyway crack on and if you get stopped tell them it’s only just come on and you will get it fixed back at the yard :laughing: :laughing:

Regards John.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: if it was mine I’d blame the agency driver.

Maybe it’s a new-fangled ■■■ lighter for folks who are too lazy to climb back up into the cab when they realise they’ve left their lighter in there :smiley:

You know some bright spark has just clicked on that and seen his next money maker, led’s on the centre hubs :sunglasses: or better still led’d wheel nut covers :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I find its fine until it looks like molten lava dripping from it and you get gangsta camber:

Sign of a…

Good hard working driver that is. Your boss should be well pleased with you.

I had one just like that except mine had the yellow wheel nut check thingy’s on it. They all melted and looked like a freshly opened bag of cheese strings.

The “driver” didn’t notice it before it got to that stage? :open_mouth:
Just change the wheel and get the mechanic to have a look, when you get a chance.

You know some bright spark has just clicked on that and seen his next money maker, led’s on the centre hubs :sunglasses: or better still led’d wheel nut covers :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

some one call my name?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: very good

The hall of fame requires that all the wheels match. Not just one.

It all depends on whether it’s been painted that colour or it’s temperature related.It’s extremely unlikely to be the latter and not really conclusive looking at that so crack on. :smiling_imp:

… led’s on the centre hubs :sunglasses: or better still led’d wheel nut covers :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The version in the pic was the basic version. Now if you can get it to glow blue hot, I’m sure even Robroy will be spending his hard earned cash on them! :slight_smile:

wbnp.shop/products/55-off-l … t-template

(Ok its for cars, but sure someone does them for Merc trucks).


… led’s on the centre hubs :sunglasses: or better still led’d wheel nut covers :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The version in the pic was the basic version. Now if you can get it to glow blue hot, I’m sure even Robroy will be spending his hard earned cash on them! :slight_smile:

wbnp.shop/products/55-off-l … t-template

(Ok its for cars, but sure someone does them for Merc trucks).

That’d go nicely with the ones you can get for motorbikes, they go on the rim, just choose a colour.


… led’s on the centre hubs :sunglasses: or better still led’d wheel nut covers :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

The version in the pic was the basic version. Now if you can get it to glow blue hot, I’m sure even Robroy will be spending his hard earned cash on them! :slight_smile:

wbnp.shop/products/55-off-l … t-template

(Ok its for cars, but sure someone does them for Merc trucks).

That’d go nicely with the ones you can get for motorbikes, they go on the rim, just choose a colour.