Warning, don't fall for this scam!

Put my card in the machine earlier, it didn’t ask for my pin or anything, just kept the card. Don’t be caught out the way I was…


I feel the scammers and crooks just arnt trying anymore… :laughing:

Looks legit :slight_smile:
The other day I walked in the transport office acting all cool and nonchelant as you do, pausing at the coffee machine to give a young driver a few tips on life in general and aim a ■■■■ smile at the secretarys (they so want me).

Then struted over to the computer terminal with an air of aloof superiority and proceeded to try and download my nectar card. :blush:
2 infringements apparantley, 1 for going over hours in the knicker dept at sainsburys and another for improper use of an argos catalogue.

Ive just seen this topic :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Looks legit :slight_smile:
The other day I walked in the transport office acting all cool and nonchelant as you do, pausing at the coffee machine to give a young driver a few tips on life in general and aim a ■■■■ smile at the secretarys (they so want me).

Then struted over to the computer terminal with an air of aloof superiority and proceeded to try and download my nectar card. :blush:
2 infringements apparantley, 1 for going over hours in the knicker dept at sainsburys and another for improper use of an argos catalogue.

:smiley: :smiley: