Warning all LGV learners

If you have or are considering booking Lgv Training with Sterling.

Allegidly they have a new Instructor.( Northampton )

You need to ensure that you do not get him.

So you would need to ask for an instructor by name to avoid the new guy.

If you are booking training at Northamptom ( Sterling / Qualitas ) Send me a Private Mesage and i will let you know the instructor’s name you need to ask for.

What i do is for the greater chance of you passing


Would you want training with a person who has not taught for 10 years ?

That does not know the test routes.

Did not know how to tilt the cab ? ( Basic Cab Tilt Mechanism )

And When asked do you want to know the test routes and examiners pet hates they answer NO.

Does THIS have anything to do with what you posted :question: :unamused:

Yeah, he had to use the Sat Nav to get us back to base. :frowning:

EDIT: On one occasion he asked the other trainee to turn right at the junction we were approaching, so Steve duly indicated right… When we got to the junction we had to go left as right was a 7.5 Tonne restriction. :frowning:

Sterling gave him a weeks induction course in Essex, why not an induction course in the area he was to teach :question: :question: :question:

This kinda thing makes me so mad.

And this time it’s the instructor aswell as the company