
Anywhere to park?
Not a lay by, somewhere in or near the town.
Somebody once mentioned a park just a couple of miles from the services on the A350, but I can’t find the thread.
PM me if you don’t want to share…I’m very discreet and I won’t leave a mess. :smiley:

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There’s a small industrial estate as you enter Shaftesbury going from Warminster southbound,(A350) there’s a cafe there and about a 20 minutes walk to a fuel station and a plethora of takeaway establishments by the garage.
Or alternatively park on the industrial estate behind Warminster services (A36)by heading towards the town centre, ignore the weight limit as you turn off before the town centre, then a 15 minute walk to restaurants , pubs and takeaway shops.

Or further afield for future reference is the services off the Frome bypass with a Travelodge hotel, Beefeater restaurant, and a fuel station, and park on the industrial estate there.

If you fancy walking to the Frome town centre it’s accessible on foot by from the estate, any member of staff will tell you the way over the road that crosses the bypass.

On a Friday night you will see the quarry tipper drivers in the pub and the haulage bosses as they live on the housing estates near the services.