Wanted: Pic of ERF and Foden together

Hi there,

As some of you might know I have a motorisation column in one of the Polish mags. I am now doing something like “a rough guide to British motorisation” and as recently I had Seddons on the frying pan, I think that it will be nice to do another one about some brothers who went into dispute about steam and combustion engines and how the story went on from this time…

The column is usually illustrated with one picture and I would be really thankful if any of you could allow me to use his one… It can be modern ones, but if someone have some picture where they would actually not look like DAF and MAN with some strange badges, that would be even more great…

It has to be pic of a good quality (1024 wide at least) and, let’s say it, nice. I can’t pay, but your name will be mentioned in the mag (unless you prefere not to).

So, does anyone have a spare picture of this two icons of the great past of British truck industry?

Try here .
facebook.com/group.php?v=wal … 3916740475

This any good?

Best I have I’m afraid

Some better ones from the net:


Yes I’m bored :unamused:

The first one is cool, but it’s a bit poor quality. The others are briliant, but I can’t just pick any picture from the net and print it in my magazine. Thanks anyway!

I like the Ian Wright photo, there trucks always look tidy