Wanted good driving agency near Stafford

I am back in the UK for a while waiting for new contract overseas to start so looking to do some agency driving . The agency i used to use Crest personel at Rugeley as closed down or been sold So which is the best agency around Stafford Area Or looking for a tempory Job on the books Class 1 Looking at the local papers alot of agencys have closed
Thanks in advance

If Newcastle,(Staffs) is not too far to travel to,try Resource Solutions,(Fedex)
on: 01782 558999, ask for Nikki.

The rate at Resource Solutions used to be a bit poor and the work a bit monotonous. If you fancy ‘pushing the envelope’ try Online Personnel in Stoke.
01782 205757 ask for Graham :smiley:

Try these people, they have vacancies in stafford, and do/did work out of Culina nr Stafford, and Sainsburys Stoke.
Details and applications available online.

Proactive Personnel (West Midlands) Limited (Cannock)
Anglia House
High Green
Cannock, WS11 1DZ

Tel: 01543 506000
Fax: 01543 506050


Robert you have PM.

Thanks for the info signed up with Proactive Cannock today but have to wait for my digi taco first has most of their clients want you to have one if they are not good a agency will give the ones in the Potteries a bell.

If you get anything less than good service from ProActive, please let me know as I have “connections” in there.

Hmm, Good agency :question: :question: Best of luck… :exclamation: