'Want any business Love'- AMERICAN STYLE

Dont think It’ll catch on over here …■■?
okcfox.com/players/news/spec … d_93.shtml

Jaysus,the big heavy one that said she was a masseuse wouldnt get a kick in a stampede…how would anyone pay for that yoke :open_mouth:

My God - that big 'un was scary! :open_mouth:

Can understand why one driver says ‘I wanna look at you first!’

Bloody brilliant clip!! :smiley: :laughing: :wink:

I’M BLIND, I’M BLIND, KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Ive seen better looking road kill than that. :open_mouth:

doncatser town centre parking used to be the same without cbs

You beat me to it Hanson :laughing: :laughing:

You beat me to it Hanson :laughing: :laughing:

was trying to work out why nobody had said it before perhaps they dont want others to know where they park lol lol :laughing:

“unlock the passenger door i,ll get right in” “no come to the drivers side, i wanna look at you first” love it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I gather she was bargain basement! Either that or the driver hired her as security.

Last time i had her, she spoke French

My God - that big 'un was scary! :open_mouth:

Can understand why one driver says ‘I wanna look at you first!’

Bloody brilliant clip!! :smiley: :laughing: :wink:

Hey, Big scary’uns need loveing too you know :wink: :wink:

That makes me glad I don’t drive trucks in America! That big one was truly SCARY! :open_mouth:

are we sure that wasnt the new movie set from dawn of the dead
she looked like dawn and trucker was dead when his wife watched the news :smiley: :smiley:

wouldnt touch her with SOMEONE ELSES bargepole.
one of our guys got propositioned on the A 617 near ollerton. by a bloke in a miniskirt and blonde wig. :open_mouth:

looks are only skin deap. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. one in hand is worth two in the bush

doncatser town centre parking used to be the same without cbs

When I was pulling boxes around one of our blokes used to park in Donnie all the time, tried it once, never again, knocking on the cab doors all night long. I have heard it said that Donnie is either the HIV or STD capital of the Southern Hemisphere!
Had my first B/J in Merthyr Tydfil when I was a mate! Ten bob! (50p to you kids), good value for the money to! LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

if you thought doncaster was bad you should have parked at modena in italy for the night thats a place you never got any sleep,im sure theres some on here who have parked there aswell :laughing: :laughing:

wouldnt touch her with SOMEONE ELSES bargepole.
one of our guys got propositioned on the A 617 near ollerton. by a bloke in a miniskirt and blonde wig. :open_mouth:

That sounds like Stella the Fella, :laughing:

Thats dogging country round them there parts breaker ,:lol: