
Does anyone who regulaly goes to/from cardiff to Birmingham which is the quickest route is it M4/M5 or via Monmouth

A449/M50 is ok if it’s moving,can be a pain at the lights in monmouth,and at ross,but so can the M5,personnally the A449/M50 routs the quicker/shorter one.

try both and see which suits you best :smiley:


mark croft:
A449/M50 is ok if it’s moving,can be a pain at the lights in monmouth,and at ross,but so can the M5,personnally the A449/M50 routs the quicker/shorter one.

try both and see which suits you best :smiley:


I always use that one too,I’ve only ever had a problem a couple of months ago when there was heavy snow,but apart from that its never that busy,its quicker and more scenic than the M5

Going 449/M50 will aslo avoid the Severn Bridge toll.

449 / m50 dont avoid the toll cos there aint one east bound
to avoid west bound toll m50 / 449

coming out of wales i find the m4 m5 route the quickest. no toll that way. going in even from bristol i find the the a 449 m4 the quickest :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

keep telling transport not to load swindon /bristol before wales :wink: :wink:

From the end (J48) of the M4 to Brum every night A449/M50/M5 is best. From our end Heads of the Valleys (A465) is even better and just as quick even with the roadworks. It is not much longer to go over the bridge, but you will have to pay to get into Wales (and so you should!!!). From Cardiff just go on the M4/A449 etc. - much less boring than the M4/M5 route.

Just remember that sheep have priority at all junctions and are allowed to use lane 3 on motorways except when lambing when you drive in Wales and that 1 Welsh mile = 2.76 English miles when asking for directions :laughing: And don’t forget your wellies if you are staying overnight :laughing: :laughing:

From the end (J48) of the M4 to Brum every night A449/M50/M5 is best. From our end Heads of the Valleys (A465) is even better and just as quick even with the roadworks. It is not much longer to go over the bridge, but you will have to pay to get into Wales (and so you should!!!). From Cardiff just go on the M4/A449 etc. - much less boring than the M4/M5 route.

Just remember that sheep have priority at all junctions and are allowed to use lane 3 on motorways except when lambing when you drive in Wales and that 1 Welsh mile = 2.76 English miles when asking for directions :laughing: And don’t forget your wellies if you are staying overnight :laughing: :laughing:

Also, dont forget that ■■■■■■ and ■■■■ are illegal :smiley:

1 Welsh mile = 2.76 English miles when asking for directions :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: FPMSL oh how very true… :laughing:

but with the a449 during the day you get the sneeky ■■■■ in the scamera van either hiding behind hedgerows near over bridges or in layby’s .

but with you sticking to50 down there it won’t be a problem :wink:


but with the a449 during the day you get the sneeky [zb] in the scamera van either hiding behind hedgerows near over bridges or in layby’s .

but with you sticking to50 down there it won’t be a problem :wink:


Yes but he is just using that as an excuse to take pictures of the gay welshmen mincing up and down the layby :stuck_out_tongue: You know who you are :smiley:

Well i went down the M5/M4 and came back A449/M50(Vosa and cameravan both on south side :laughing: ) the A449 Route is easily the quickest but paying £15.30 for the view on the bridge is a bit steep thanks for all your replies :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
Yes but he is just using that as an excuse to take pictures of the gay welshmen mincing up and down the layby :stuck_out_tongue: You know who you are :smiley:

Won’t catch me stopping in any of them :laughing: :laughing:

But think of the sheep you’ll be missing :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Plenty of them at home :laughing: :laughing:
BTW, the reason that Welsh miles ar longer than English miles is that if Wales was rolled flat it would be bigger than England :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if Wales was rolled flat …

What an attractive thought !!! :smiley:

Dave Shimeld:

if Wales was rolled flat …

What an attractive thought !!! :smiley:

Get lost :exclamation: Our gaffer would get 320s if we didn’t have any hills :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I just got some Max Boyce CDs so Wales comes to me. And their great boyo. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: