
Second the canteen experience and beat it.

As a long term, but irregular Agency driver I suppose the face gets vaguely recognised. I don’t visit the canteen very often, but two early occasions stand out. 1)Warehouseman I’ve never seen before comes over to me at the card machine and explains the system also asking if I have enough change to work the machine. 2) Company driver I have never spoken to, but see around sometimes comes over, suggests I join his mates at their table if I would like and buys me a tea.

Drivers’ waiting room has a drinks machine. It is a frequent sight to see a company driver buying a round of teas and then asking around the agency drivers if they want one too.

Obviously this doesn’t happen every day to everyone, but it does give some indication of the atmosphere on site.

Any new store delivery will have a full description, route with landmarks and photographs of the goods in area, including blow ups of how close the cab gets to a post etc, stuck up on the noticeboard for all to see.