Can’t stand the buggers myself! Can’t see the point of something you inevitably can’t hear clearly nor choose what to watch!
If no one else is in there pull the fuse out or cut the plug off. Xenia our canteen cook always has the tv blasting out some greek crap and always has the remote hidden somewhere…
Never watch them sit read book
Don’t have a tv at home so why would I watch something I don’t want to have no interest in at all
I used to “Not mind” if it was BBC24 on with it’s scrolly text at the bottom that you didn’t need to have the sound on to follow.
A similar arrangement seems to be the case now at Xtra-run motorway services, such as Beaconsfield and Cobham.
These last few months though, I’ve really gone off the BBC (more like the BS-BC if you know what I mean!)
Too much pandering to the powers that be across Europe where if “something goes wrong anywhere, on no account must it be “over” reported if it’s likely the culprit is a muslim terrorist”
I’ve lost count of how many times it’s “Someone mentally ill” or “A regular home-grown criminal, not an immigrant” for starters. I suppose pandering to a religion that demands you kill anyone not of that religion does indeed seem a bit nuts, but insanity is in the mind of the beholder.
Also, I understand the death toll of civilians from the attack on Mosul is fast approaching the entire total for re-taking Aleppo - but where are the actual news anchors on the ground, visiting the hospitals, etc?
Ahh yes. Russia are not involved in this one, so there’s no point banging on about “Assad is a war criminal” (defending his own country) and “Russia can do no right” (the only forces actually invited in by this sovereign state)
Kill twice as many innocents, but on the side of “Right” (Wot’s that these days?) - Oh let’s just sweep all that nitty gritty detail under the carpet. Hey you there! - Keep those western TV people away from the front line AND the Hospitals!
12 lines and…
10 of those were miles off topic Winseer.
Just clock the brand of telly, download the equivalent remote control app and hey presto you can watch what you like as loud as you like. Jezza Kyle is great for RDC’s as most of the buggers in there look like they should be on it. I particularly liked the episode: “I think my boyfriend is having an affair as he wore clean pajamas to Asda last night”…
Added bonus if theres a likeminded soul in the waiting room as you can play remote control wars.
Oh you will need a phone that has IR blaster (infra red) functionality.
Just down load the app crack on and minutes of fun can be had.