WAI? OwenMoney got it!

Stuck waiting for a load for 9 hours. Not a bad place to be though, I’ve waited for loads in a lot worse areas :unamused: :unamused:

Someone please rotate for me? It looks OK when I attach and then turns it around, sorry

I think I took the location off but that might not have worked either :blush:

IMAG0085-20210418-092108841 - Copy no 2.jpg

Is it where Daf’s go to die ?

Reminds me of a company called Lacassagne just south of Bordeaux who used to park their tractor units very tidily and regimental.
I know this photo isn’t them though.

Reminds me of a company called Lacassagne just south of Bordeaux who used to park their tractor units very tidily and regimental.
I know this photo isn’t them though.

Lacassagne got bought out around 18 month’s ago. Now part of Guyamier. They do have an old, smart F 10 in the line up though. I am pretty sure they have a Scottish driver on there, name of Graham who might like to comment.

Sorry, no not there

DAF in Eindhoven ? From the other side of the canal .

Spot on Owen!

Lovely spot though

Well I did wonder if it was a Scania dealer having taken in all those Daf’s in p/ex for a proper truck but the clogs and the canal gave it away.
And having parked in the same spot in my misspent youth helped.