wagon n drag?

havin just had a couple of slack weeks although thankfully it seems to have picked up now with this week being busy,i’ve been pondering possible options to try and make sure i don’t have any bad weeks in the future,considered takin my class 1 and going into artic work but the six wheeler grab work i do now pays good money when it’s busy so it would be daft to lose that.
wondering wether a wagon n drag wouldn’t be the answer,i could do my regular work and then if it dropped of a bit,hook the trailor on and do some artic loads. am i right in thinking i can’t pull any sort of trailor with a six wheeler without a class1 license?
does anyone have experience of this sort of set up?
i know i’d need a big engined rigid to do the job but there always seems to be plenty for sale complete with trailor.
any tips from you experienced lads would be appreciated.

paul b:
. am i right in thinking i can’t pull any sort of trailor with a six wheeler without a class1 license?

unless you passed your Class 2 a long time ago ( before they changed the categories to C & C&E - when you could pull a trailer with a Class 2) the answer to that is …yes :exclamation:

someone probably knows the dates :wink: but It will tell you on your licence

paul b:
am i right in thinking i can’t pull any sort of trailor with a six wheeler without a class1 license?

Depends what your licence is. If you passed recently you’ll have a licence with “C” on it and -not- “C+E”. This doesn’t allow you to tow any trailer of any significance. If you passed your test ages ago and had an original “Class 2” licence, it will have been changed when the new licences came out to “C+E” with restriction 102 which is “drawbar trailers only” which means you are allowed to drive a wag+drag.


Denis F:
someone probably knows the dates :wink: but It will tell you on your licence

I understood the date you refer to as being Jan '97. Do I need a disclaimer in case i’m wrong?? :laughing: