Wages Census

A lot of debate recently about wages and just wondering if we could simply put it out here, our Average wage across the board is £25,000pa, how does this reflect your current bracket? Obviously drivers are getting paid a lot less out there for lower hours and we’ve all Hurd about Tanker drivers earning £50,000pa+

Basically what are you earning? What shifts? What type?
What’s the lowest wage you’ve Hurd of?
What’s the highest wage you’ve Hurd of?

I would suggest you use the search facility and ALL your answers will be there :wink:

Brae dear chap,try using ‘HEARD’ instead of ‘HURD’ and tanker drivers on £50k per annum,that ended many years ago for most.

How many hours do I work? Too many

How much do I earn? Not enough

How many hours do I work? Too many

How much do I earn? Not enough


You wouldn’t believe me if I told you… So I won’t :wink:

Under 20k class2 45 hours a weeks average mug


32k skip lorry.
7 to 16:30. 5 days.

are you expecting the truth cos many on here couldnt tell you what day it is without making up a story to go along with it, even if someone said £1000P/H there will still be some that will say not worth getting out of bed for…

its more to do really wether the individual is happy enough with their wack,

Ive previously worked for £7 p,h and left a job paying more to do so, but the lower paid job was around the corner, which worked for me at the time,

I now travel 3 mile to work but earn around 30k mon -fri job and knock , happy with it so far, class 2

I get paid/charge a daily rate with the gig work.

Prefer it that way as I’ll get the details through for a tour and I can immediately figure out how much I’ll take home from it. Being self employed I do all my own tax and NI so I can roughly figure it all out before I’ve even started a tour.

Much prefer it that way.