Wages and hours worked

now that ive been promoted from 7.5t to HGV 2 and now my friend at work has become a full time 7.5t driver as before he was only the relief driver. my friend has only been doing this for a few weeks and is already tired of the job and totally fed up because of the hours he is working. he ends up doing between 50 and 55 hours per week and he only gets paid 39 hours so the question iam asking is my company breaking the law regards to hours worked and payment hours on wage slip.

any help on this would be appriciated.

Is there an explanation or is he given an explanation of why is he’s only being paid for 39 hours ?
I mean if he’s being paid short by between 11 and 16 hours per week then surely he must have queried it, what explanation was given ?.

what he did is sometime ago he had a chat with the transport manager about the hours he was working and all he said to him was that this is the job so either do the job or leave.
so now he is a full time driver as before he was only the relief driver he is totally fed up with doing these hours and he went to see the human resource personel and she said she would look into this.
a week has gone by and all this week my friend has had the worst week regards to loads of delivery`s and even more hours worked.
he is unsure what he should do so i said to him i would ask the question and let him know the replys i have when he returns back to work as he is now on holiday for 2 weeks.
i would also like to know about joining a union as we do not have one at work and would like to hear some views on this regarding pros and cons and the cost p/w p/m and would we need to have a certain ammount of members from our company ect ect…

I’d tell the transport manager to ‘stick it up his ar$e’
Plenty more jobs about.

the trouble is my friend is not a confident person and because he has worked for the company for more than 5 years he doesnt really want to leave and find himself in a worse position. as i said ive told him i will ask the question and if no luck for him to contact citizen advice.
but to be honest i would like to hear views on any union that could help on this matter.

Seems to me there are three options:

  1. Insist on being paid for the hours he’s working.

  2. Only work the hours he’s being paid for.

  3. Leave.

When you was doing the job that he’s now doing how many hours were you taking to do the job ?

Are they refusing to pay him the hours because he’s slow ?

Do other people there work hours that they’re not being paid for ?

Or is there some other kind of payment that you haven’t mentioned ?

Sorry for all the questions but I’m still struggling to understand why anyone would work so many hours for nothing :confused:

the trouble is my friend is not a confident person and because he has worked for the company for more than 5 years he doesnt really want to leave and find himself in a worse position. as i said ive told him i will ask the question and if no luck for him to contact citizen advice.
but to be honest i would like to hear views on any union that could help on this matter.

So do you think that they’re taking advantage of his lack of confidence, if so then perhaps the citizens advise could be of help, as far as the union is concerned, well if he isn’t in a union then they’re not going to help are they.

ok when i was working 7.5t i used to work anything between 35-45 hours and sometimes even less so i didnt moan about this. because the run i was doing was central london which also covered west and east london some days so i used to load up night before and leave early 4am so i could get all my 24 hour open hours drops done and i was usually home between 10.30-11am. he doesnt leave as early as this he leaves at 5am and returns between 3pm-4pm and by the time he has loaded up for the next day its 5pm so a very long day without the pay.
other drivers also do these type of hours and not that happy about this.

regards to union what i was asking for myself is joining a union

Well if they’re all doing these type of hours and being paid for 39 hours then presumably the rate must be extraordinarily high or they’re a bunch of mugs.

Sorry but that’s the way I see it, maybe others will disagree who knows.

Looking on the bright side, if I was to start my own business do you think you could persuade your friends to work for me :smiley:

ok thanks for replys
regards to a union is anyone a member on here

regards to a union is anyone a member on here

I’m a union member as are quite a few others, and have been for many years. They’ve helped me out several times.

If you have a problem with your employer, whatever that problem may be, then the way to find out if your union can help you is to ask them. (My opinion on whether they can help or not is immaterial).
They will need to be told all of the details of your enquiry. They will probably want a copy of your Contract of Employment, so that they can study it and compare what you are doing against what you are contracted to do. They can also check to make sure your contract itself isn’t in breach of Employment Law while they’re at it.

I don’t think it matters whether or not your employer recognises a union, in an Employment Contract enquiry. The unions retain lawyers who specialise in Employment Law. If your employer is in breach of contract, then the unions lawyer would be representing you, not the union

Seems to me there are three options:

  1. Insist on being paid for the hours he’s working.

  2. Only work the hours he’s being paid for.

  3. Leave.

You missed one other option there tacho’.

  1. Carry on as he is.

Granted it’s a pretty poor option, but it’s the most likely one. :unamused: :smiling_imp:


Seems to me there are three options:

  1. Insist on being paid for the hours he’s working.

  2. Only work the hours he’s being paid for.

  3. Leave.

You missed one other option there tacho’.

  1. Carry on as he is.

Granted it’s a pretty poor option, but it’s the most likely one. :unamused: :smiling_imp:

Sadly you may be correct about that :frowning:

regards to a union is anyone a member on here

not me. its cheaper to shout at them and tell them where to stick it :laughing: