Does any one have any info about these, have been thinking about getting one for a while, do you have to order a 24v one or do they have a switch 12/24volt.
Maritime used to have similar in the trucks, but due to the nature of the job sometimes you can’t clean them out straight away (or at all with some drivers) and they’re a breeding ground for bacteria and mould.
Better to use a kettle tbh
Complete faff I’d say, much better off with a kettle.
I’ve never had a truck with one in so I have a question.
Why you say coffee maker do you mean like a proper percolator filter coffee maker? Cos I can’t see how that works with the truck moving
Yeah that’s the idea, it’s all secure & that, you get one in Scania’s griffin spec.
Why not get a 9/12 cup mocka pot, and shove it on top of the gas stove??
I just got myself a 9 cup pot for £7.95 off evilbay which makes 1.5 mugs of coffee in around 2-3 mins, easy clean & setup, and portable
I don’t think anyone really needs a coffee percolator in the truck unless you’re coffeholic & drink like ten cups a day.
My favourite coffee is Carte Noir instant anyway, I think Nescafé should be banned.