Vote tory if you dare...... I will

I’ve always been a Labour man, until now. The reason why I’m changing to Tory is because of Mr Howard’s new stance on atempting to control the amount of foreigners coming here. What’s this got to do with driving trucks? Well, if the amount of immigrants is to be (at last) limited, then the amount of immigrants doing mine and your jobs will also be limited. My vote goes to Mr Howard

Thats a dificult one, allways voted tory except in 97,but was thinking about going the to the left { even though thats a wasted vote here}. I didnt like the way Howard ran rough shod over his own parties electoral rules to become leader, how can he be trusted :question: I understand what your saying about the immigrant issue, and one of the main parties has got to make a stand on it or the BNP will have a field day. Although it sounded to me when 5live interviewed him that they would still open the door to practicaly anyone and just claim that it was either to do with a world crisis, or that the economy requiered them.
Something else the tories need to cotton onto is that unles they offer a definitive referendum on europe as regards the single curency and continued membership of the EU its self {although i’m not anti europe myself} then UKIP is going to hurt them. These issues matter, its no good offering tax cuts that only make pennies worth of diference to the working man, No one on the minimum wage doing a 40 hour week should pay tax, thats where the threshold should, it would also take no end of the poorest pensioners out of the tax system, thus freeing up the buerocrats that administer these pensioner credits and come to that working families tax credits aswell, if the tax threshold was set corectly the only thing they would need to know is are earning more than £10088 per anum if so we want some if not have a nice day :smiley: . And if the tax take is’nt enough then be honest and increase the basic and higher rates a bit, i bet that would win plenty of votes. Stealing Labours clothes help the poorest 1st the rich would still feel a benefit just not as big in comparison. It’ll never happen :open_mouth:

i am going to vote for mr askew cos if i vote for him he will ,abolish income tax, make beer 2p apint, petrol 10p a gallon ,free holidays for everyone,and i dont think he,s trying to buy my vote.

me im gonna vote for whoever represents the monster raving loony party in this area
cos they make more sense than any of the politictions from the main partys :laughing: