
Do car transporters get much hassle from vosa ?

How many experienced transporter drivers are you expecting to find on the Newbie forum mate? :open_mouth:
Try the main one… :smiley:

Do car transporters get much hassle from vosa ?

If cars not strapped properly and fall off in rush hour ( in middle of M6 for example ) then the answer to your question would be YES :wink:

If you’re thinking of a multi car transporter then these are run on Operator Licences which are closely monitored. The results of this will determine how many “stops” you get from VOSA. So, if you’re working for a sound operator with good MOT pass rate, no issues with drivers’ hours, overloading and all the correct systems in place, you should have no problem. But if you’re getting pulled every week there’s definitely something very wrong.

For a single car transporter these are prone to being overweight so I would imagine that they could be an easy target for VOSA.

Hope this helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing: