VOSA traffic light system

Hi Guys
I was pulled over this morning Hailey road Erith, Vosa went all over the truck and all over my tachos. Both of the guys seemed plesant and reasonable. (I ■■■ myself as I expect to meet Hitler) all was ok but at the end I asked about the traffic light system.
They said I was green for maintainance and amber for tachos. I asked how I could be amber as I have never been stopped before. Sadly they were unable to help me there. They said I could check the VOSA website to see my ststus on the system. I cant find the link on the website. But how can I be amber.

Im sure someone on this site will be able to help.

I think if you haven’t been cheked for some time your rating gradually reduces so they know they need to check how you are getting on. You may go back to green after that check was all clear.

Thanks for that but surly my maintainance would have been amber to. Or maybe it works differently.

Hi bighands, The maintenance part of your OCRS is partly judged on your first-time pass rate at M.O.T, so that’s an event that happens each year, but an hours check is random, unless you’re showing on the VOSA radar.
My guess is that your clean hours record may count slightly against you, in the way that Silver_Surfer suggested simply because you’ve never been checked. :smiley:

Thanks Dave
If what your saying is correct I should be clean and green. So the next task will be to find the area on VOSA web site that tells you what status your at.

So the next task will be to find the area on VOSA web site that tells you what status your at.

HERE YOU GO :slight_smile:

Here we go! OCRS or operator compliance risk scoring is based on all sorts of data, some actual and unfortunately some predictive based on the type of work, vehicles etc. The maintenance scoring is derived from annual test rate (watch that headlamp aim!!!) and roadside necounters, the traffic rating consists of Tachos’ overweights, licencing blah blah blah. The scoring goes from Green 00, 01, 02, 03, etc to 10 and then to Amber 00, 01, 02, 03 etc to 10 and then to red 00, 01, 02,etc up to 10, therefore if you are Red 10 or R10 you are in the sh*t and if you are Green 00 or G00 show everyone else how its done cos you are the nuts. From experience I don’t have much faith in OCRS but unfortunately it is the main tool in VOSA’s targeting strategy, if you are amber 00 or A00 onwards expect to get a tug, if you are green unless something is hanging off the truck you shouldn’t get harassed. Due to the complexity it can take a long time to alter your scoring, and of course if you are in the higher end of the scale you will get stopped more and probably prohibited more, its a simple numbers game! New operators have a predictive score applied to their 'o’licence until they start attracting there own data. As always pm for more info.

Again thanks VOSA insider.

This system sound as if the operator can have very little influence on the scoring. Here was I blissfully unaware I could have been a prime target and driving straight into their arms had I been doing something wrong. Not sure I agree with this system. I feel a bit threatened although I try and stay straight. How does this system work on foreign trucks or does it just target UK trucks. Sorry starting to rant a bit. I have emailed VOSA to see if I can get an explanation. ( thank-you ROG for the link) I am also registering so I can keep an eye on my status.

My views on traffic lights / OCRS are posted elsewhere on these electronic tomes. :stuck_out_tongue:

But think of them like bank credit scoring, in mid summer you can have what you want, as soon as it looks like rain they urge you to pop inside to take cover and then demand their complimentary umbrella back.

Or ask for a shiny Gold Credit Card when you don’t owe anyone a penny.

If you hold a new ‘O’ Licence or have not been checked then VOSA give you an estimated scoring until you are stopped or checked.

That is why if you have not been checked or new they allocated you a red or amber! :unamused:

wot a load of crap :unamused: