VOSA operator seminar?

Attended a vosa operator seminar yesterday, after being invited with the promise of tea and biscuits and the threat of it being noted on my o licence if I didn’t attend. After spending 5 hours with them i’m more worried now than I was before cos they seemed quite normal and even laughed at all my jokes! The tea was crap though and they forgot the biscuits. Anyone else had to go to one yet?

Assuming you mean the “New Operator Seminar” I went to one in January at Beverley. We got biscuits but they were crap…

On a more serious note, I was a little scared at how little most of the people there knew about transport. Several of them were people from small firms who had just got a single 7.5tonner for their own use and they really had no idea about a lot of what they were telling us, so on that basis perhaps the seminars are a good thing. Personally I don’t think I really got anything out of it other than a good note on my operator file.


I’d make you right there Paul. It was the new op seminar and to be honest most of the people were struggling with the most basic questions like how long can you drive before you need a break? Was a bit scary and a few even took it as an opportunity to have a dig at them! :open_mouth: :confused: Er hello, your in a vosa seminar where they’re trying to help you run legally as a new operator and you’re loading their gun for them? Wouldn’t want to be one of them driving past a checkpoint in the next few months :slight_smile: As you said though, didn’t really come out of it with anything other than the worry that if they laughed at one of MY jokes they must have at least a small sense of humour :smiley:


granted my operators license in 1988 was invited to one back then i did attend :smiley: i dont think this is a new thing.