VOSA/horse bolted questions!

I realise it’s probably quite a subjective issue but bear with me please:
If you witnessed some incredibly dangerous driving and speeding but didn’t get the reg. no. of the vehicle (truck) can VOSA do anything? Let’s say it was a large haulage company and that you (obviously) knew what time of day it was and the speed limit for that road. Can VOSA insist the company in question provide information about which driver it was then marry up their tacho to the place and time and at least cop them for speeding if nothing else?

Like I subjective subject and I do appreciate you lads and lasses are professionals and equally you wouldn’t like to see a fellow driver get nicked. I’ll just suggest that had you seen what had happened you’d be ashamed to share the road with people like this and I’m damned sure nobody on here would dream of such shocking driving.
I’d appreciate some input, please don’t either think I believe all truck drivers are idiots (I know they’re not) or that I’m one of those tinpot nutters who drive round at 15mph on main roads and get annoyed when you try to overtake!

I realise it’s probably quite a subjective issue but bear with me please:
If you witnessed some incredibly dangerous driving and speeding but didn’t get the reg. no. of the vehicle (truck) can VOSA do anything? Let’s say it was a large haulage company and that you (obviously) knew what time of day it was and the speed limit for that road. Can VOSA insist the company in question provide information about which driver it was then marry up their tacho to the place and time and at least cop them for speeding if nothing else?

Like I subjective subject and I do appreciate you lads and lasses are professionals and equally you wouldn’t like to see a fellow driver get nicked. I’ll just suggest that had you seen what had happened you’d be ashamed to share the road with people like this and I’m damned sure nobody on here would dream of such shocking driving.
I’d appreciate some input, please don’t either think I believe all truck drivers are idiots (I know they’re not) or that I’m one of those tinpot nutters who drive round at 15mph on main roads and get annoyed when you try to overtake!

A driver will not be prosecuted for speeding on tachograph evidence alone, so the answer is no.

Want to tell what was so “incredibly dangerous” about the driving ?

Dangerous driving is a police matter not vosa. I would ring the company involved and give them the chance to sort it out. Being professional drivers we have to adapt to others being stupid, how many times do car and van drivers drive dangerously and most times there are no signage on them. In my opinion I would put it down to experience and another tale to tell when we get older.

I have rang the firm (just now) and to give the chap his due he was great. What he does now is anyone’s guess, hopefully at the very least the drivers in question will reamed for it.
I’ll not say too much for now, but overtaking on blind corners on a notoriously bad A road, tailgating and trying to force someone to jump a red light are not really signs of good driving.

Davey: Couldn’t agree more and I would certainly think there are more idiotic car drivers than there will ever be truck drivers the same. As I said in my op I do NOT think all truck drivers are idiots, far from it in fact.

The ‘how’s my driving?’ stickers seem to be a fad that’s passed now. Last place I worked that had them never used to follow it up. Guess there were a lot of ‘your lorry is holding me up doing only 40mph’, I seem to remember reading somewhere.

It must be a bloody nightmare driving with one of those stickers on, open season for all the nut cases who got up late to complain because they felt you held them up or something!

If someone driving for me was being a total douche, I’d want to know about it.

If it was so bad that it Really ■■■■■■ me off, I would ring the company assuming you can identify them (plain livery & you are stuffed)
These sort of drivers need to be taken onto account & slowed down or even taken out of the industry altogether, the more complaints a TM receives about a single Bad driver the better.

As far as the red light goes- if someone tries that with me, I would ‘Accidently’ stall the motor & make sure that it goes through a couple of phases before it would start again :wink:
(I know 2 wrongs don’t make a right, but you’ve got to admit, it would give you a bit of satisfaction to see him seething behind you :laughing: )

Some elses driving standards and ability are [zb] all to do with me. i just chill out and laugh at them.
Why get worked up? The job can be stressful enough.

It must be a bloody nightmare driving with one of those stickers on, open season for all the nut cases who got up late to complain because they felt you held them up or something!

Like the idea of one of those stickers but with my mobi number on it. :smiley:

Try ringing this number 0800 80770CK5.ask for Mike Hunt

how do you force someone to jump a red light?

I have rang the firm (just now) and to give the chap his due he was great. What he does now is anyone’s guess, hopefully at the very least the drivers in question will reamed for it.
I’ll not say too much for now, but overtaking on blind corners on a notoriously bad A road, tailgating and trying to force someone to jump a red light are not really signs of good driving.

You’ve done all you can for now. If the vehicle is on a tracking system there may be some additional evidence for the company to use should they feel the need to take the coaching/disciplinary route. Having spent some time working in a transport office we would take the calls, speak with the driver when it was possible to identify them, and go from there. There are problems at times trying to judge the credibility of the callers as on 1 occasion I took a call from a member of the public complaining about slow driving. Turned out the driver was doing 40 on a single carriage way and the caller didn’t realise that was the speed limit for a truck.

I’d have been happy to see a ‘How’s My Driving?’ sticker on the back of the Dunelm Mill lorry on the A34 yesterday, as he shot past me at 60+, elbows on the wheel, composing a text message :unamused:

never grassed up another driver, hopefully will never feel I have to… bad times :frowning:

VOSA can impose punishments (along with the relevant TC) for speeding, but they’d need to prove you were on a single c/way.

I would ring the company involved and give them the chance to sort it out.

you are not alone. we had one phone up to complain about a driver forcing them to take evasive action while they tried to join the M90 north just south of perth. apparently our chap was doing around 80MPH on the flat in a vehicle which is restricted to 53MPH. the FLM passed on the complaint and told him he was a naughty naughty boy

while he was laughing at the prat who phoned up :laughing: