Volvo stobarts

Have Stobart dropped Volvo as iv’e not seen any lately.All iv’e seen lately is new and old shape Scanias.Just being a nosey sod.

I had noticed a load of white ivecos. Thought they were subbing work out until I noticed they also had a fleet number. Must have took Iveco up on the £250 a week full r&m offer. This was around the time they were on the verge of going ■■■■ up

Somebody give me a spotters badge.

It’s probably the other way around and that Volvo have dropped Stobart, since they’re not financially solvent at the moment.

Plain white units popping up everywhere with a Stobart fleet number, so looks like they’re trying to save money in areas.

Rugby workshop has a W reg Scania in plain white for trailer moving for MOTS as they take them to BT Lutterworth

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Plain white units popping up everywhere with a Stobart fleet number, so looks like they’re trying to save money in areas.

It could be they haven’t agreed the use of the Eddie Stobart name with the Stobart Group, which is now a separate company dealing with all the other Stobart stuff. I believe the Stobart Group wanted something £3m per year to allow the use of the name or £15m for lifetime use.

i think the white ones are walkers crisps units

i think the white ones are walkers crisps units

They are indeed Walkers, same as when the Co-Op in Coventry had stobbies providing traction, all their motors carried the stobby fleet codes.

I believe Stobarts have/had an agreement with Jenkinsons to buy Scania’s in bulk.

Often see new ones pre and post wrapping in Scania at Warrington next to M62, so they don’t seem to be worried by Stobarts financial position.

not seen a volvo in rugby for a while now.

They went predominantly Scania a while back with a team purchase deal with AW Jenkinson to get them cheaper.

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Most of the ones Jenkinsons ‘buy’ get sublet to WS :open_mouth: