Volvo I shift selector

The I shift box on my motor seems to be a bit noisier when changing up… Bit of clonking going on… Any ideas ■■ :frowning:

Turn the radio up? Or earplugs?

knock it into manual and leave it in 1st, if your paid by the hour then your £££ in.

let it develop

let it develop

love that saying pure quality


let it develop

love that saying pure quality

got told that quite a lot at the first firm i was with :laughing:

The I shift box on my motor seems to be a bit noisier when changing up… Bit of clonking going on… Any ideas ■■ :frowning:

How old is it?

58 plate… Only done 300.000km and I’m an Owner driver

Take it out of limp mode! :laughing: put it in M! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: