Volvo fuel tanks


Would welcome suggestions about where to get a second hand Volvo FH16 fuel tank supports and straps, like the one below please. It is for a possible restoration project and I understand is the 500/ 520 litre version.

Also, suggestions for where to get a twin plate clutch other than Volvo would be welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Try Finn Tec commercials in Leek.
They break Volvos.

Have a look a the William Gilder website he has a few tanks for sale

Im getting big tanks put on my 54 plate volvo thursday my current tank looks just like that but its only 450 litre max so not sure, but if it is the same it will be obselete next thursday and id be happy to let you give me some cash for it :smiley: pm me if you want some pics .

you could try these

There gets a few on ebay, you might have to wait for the exact one to come along, … Categories

Remember if you go the eBay route to make sure you’re getting a tank that’s half decent quality and not one that’s going to burst open the first time you fill it up.