Has anyone on here set up the TV in their truck and used the connections above the drivers door to get the TV sound to come through the stereo??
I have all the leads but it just keeps coming up on the display as “external source”
Any help would be appreciated as I can’t figure the ■■■■■■ thing out!!
I have, bought a cable to plug in the aux plug and into the telly then on the info screen press audio button and dial around to aux then press ok button and all works ok. Hope this helps.
Thanks,but I mean the tv jack plug that’s above your head,that’s the one I cannot get to work,I can get the AUX to work fine it’s the other one that ain’t having none of it.
If you press the audio button on the radio and roll through it …it has a separate function for the tv …
Well that’s how mine works, 12v socket for power, aux socket for wire from telly and TV aerial lead all on plate above my head as delivered by Volvo, works ok so far.