Volvo fh stereo replacement

Morning all

I drive a Volvo fh 58 plate, and the stereo needs bringing up to date, the only problem I have is I can’t get a definite answer as to whether I should get a 12 or 24 volt head unit? I’ve tried the manual, searched the web but can’t find a definite answer? Has anyone on here changed the standard issued one for an after market one? Any help greatly appreciated,

Thank you

changed one in a Version 3 Fh to one from Halfords . It was a simple swap out and was a 12volt system . If in doubt get someone with a multimeter to check it before you plug in a new stereo.

It’s a standard 12v, single din stereo, using iso connection.

Thanks for the info, I’ve just been upto halfords to get the removal tool, pulled it out hoping it would have the voltage on there but no joy, I think the multi meter idea is the way forward just to be sure

Thanks for the info, I’ve just been upto halfords to get the removal tool, pulled it out hoping it would have the voltage on there but no joy, I think the multi meter idea is the way forward just to be sure

You can buy an adapter off eBay , you state Make and year of truck plus the model of your stereo and they make one up for you , plug one end into unit other into stereo away you go, our mechanic change all our stereos for Panasonic with Bluetooth