Volvo FH (2013) night heater?

After a bit of advice… I have been given the keys to my new ride, a 2013 mk4 FH 500 (first day out tomorrow). I have been and moved most of my stuff in this afternoon, but struggled like buggery to find how to switch the night heater on so it’s toasty for me in the morning.
Have been a Scania driver since I started and the Volvo’s switches etc I’ve mostly worked out apart from this.
Any advice gratefully received so my old bones are warm for next week.

Many thanks.


Do you just want to switch it on, or set the timer?

Might as well tell you both.
To switch it on, there’s a switch on the dash with 3 wavey lines, and another on the back wall. Also on the back wall is a small dial which is the thermostat.

To set the timer, use the stalk on the right below the engine brake. Stationary, Ignition on, press enter, scroll down using the button on the end of the stalk to parking heater timer, at the top of the second page. Set start date, press enter, set start time, press enter, set duration, press enter. If you’ve done it right a symbol will appear on the bottom left cornet of the display

Mk4 FH is a bit different to the classic Fh but simple really. On the dash you can set timers for the night heater to come on or use the bunk control system to turn it on and set the temp. Read the manual or download the volvo fh4 app and it will guide you

Thank you both for the replies - I will have a crack at that in the morning. The Volvo app sounds very interesting too.

Thanks again,


Sorry, should have said earlier, no manual with the lorry.

