Volvo digi tacho

You might have had a 20-minute break whilst someone was loading you, and then intended to have a 30-minute break later on, but had to cut it short to 25 minutes (e.g. got told to move for whatever reason). In this case, the tacho will start a new 4.5-hour driving period, but you’re still in the first one, so unless you now take a full 45-minute rest, it’ll now be wrong for the rest of the day.

You would only need to take a 30 minute break to stay legal . The first one was duffed by driver error and chancing his luck and trying to get 30 in on a bay .
That is the drivers fault and not the counters .
The counter does still run to old regs , but don’t blame it for restarting when you have messed the breaks up .
Then for the next period you are in , if a 45 is required you know you need to stop for a 15 and then a 30 or the full 45 and then run on any unused time .
Then you have to remember what time you have left to run on …But you can’t blame the truck for that , it’s the driver that fluffed the breaks .
Whilst they are still set to old regs you have to remember that and use your noggin .
It gets a bit boring of all the different threads blaming the equipment for this that and the other and calling it faulty when all that is faulty is the person using it :laughing:

thanks for your help Paul i find your comments a little offensive i have spoken today to a technician at volvo warwick he tells me system is flawed and my critisism is well founded. further more if i choose to record time as POA it records that as a break aswell. if you find threads on digi tachos a little boring i suggest you dont read them. please forgive any typing mistakes.

Tarmac duck:
i have spoken today to a technician at volvo warwick he tells me system is flawed

For the WTD it is it only works for the EU regs.


Tarmac duck:
i have spoken today to a technician at volvo warwick he tells me system is flawed

For the WTD it is it only works for the EU regs.

It doesn’t work for the EU regs either Mike, it still works on the old system.



Tarmac duck:
i have spoken today to a technician at volvo warwick he tells me system is flawed

For the WTD it is it only works for the EU regs.

It doesn’t work for the EU regs either Mike, it still works on the old system.

That right i forgot until you said that, it can’t differentiate between a 15 first and then a 30, thats right aint it?




Tarmac duck:
i have spoken today to a technician at volvo warwick he tells me system is flawed

For the WTD it is it only works for the EU regs.

It doesn’t work for the EU regs either Mike, it still works on the old system.

That right i forgot until you said that, it can’t differentiate between a 15 first and then a 30, thats right aint it?

Not only that but it will accept any combination of 2 or 3 break periods which are at least 15 minutes long and add up to at least 45 minutes, at which point it will reset the 4.5 hour driving clock. It will also count POA as break and reset the 4.5 hour clock for that as well.

Tarmac duck:
thanks for your help Paul i find your comments a little offensive i have spoken today to a technician at volvo warwick he tells me system is flawed and my critisism is well founded. further more if i choose to record time as POA it records that as a break aswell. if you find threads on digi tachos a little boring i suggest you dont read them. please forgive any typing mistakes.

Offensive !!! Don’t be daft , If I wanted to be offensive it would be a lot stronger than that :laughing:
I’m interested to know what the Volvo guy said , can you elaborate ?

The counter records it as break , on the printout it will be shown as poa …
One thing that was said when the digital system came out …
Don’t rely on the timers as they won’t be 100 % accurate .
Since then the regs have changed and they could probably do with a software update , but come on , you know how the breaks should be taken .
An analogue system would have recorded the breaks the same way , just because the counter resets doesn’t make a blind bit of difference , to me anyway.