Vocational drivers - are they a good insurance risk?

This is one for vocational drivers that have done other types of work… When you have insured your own vehicle and changed your normal occupation on the insurance application form to HGV or PSV driver, have you found the premium has gone up or down?

Reason I am asking, is I recently upped the annual estimated mileage on my own car and the premium actually came down. The rationale of the insurance company was that i was was doing more mileage I would be a more experienced driver??

Seeing how some vocational drivers perform nowadays :open_mouth: , I was wondering whether they are seen as a good or bad insurance risk when insuring their own vehicles, purely based on what they do for a living?

Adelaide insurance offer a deal for HGV PSV driver who are working as that. It was the cheapest quote I could find.
As for higher mileage on a private car, normally it’s the other way round, but I think it makes very little difference as you get older.

I’ve been told before not to say I work in motorsport, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference if I put HGV driver haulage or motorsport. But some companies used to load the premium for a racecar mechanic, but then again many of them seem to be frustrated racing divers. :smiley: The mechanics killed the van and ruined the gearbox on the minibus in the last team I worked for. :open_mouth: