Vlaams Kenteken (B) Number Plates

New number plates are being issued in Brussels as from today. For 25 years the plates have had 3 letters followed by 3 numbers. Now the digits have been reversed with 3 numbers followed by 3 letters.

Thanks for that, it will save me wondering what the hells happened in Belgium!

Thanks for that, it will save me wondering what the hells happened in Belgium!

the cigs havent half gone up in price and the stella still leaves the mother of all hangovers

And to save you getting confused, this is the new plate seen on the roads of Holland.

I have only seen it on light vans up to now, but it still has the same 6 digits.

like this; 01-AAA-1

malc, although I find both updates interesting, you GOTTA get out more mate :wink: :laughing:

malc, although I find both updates interesting, you GOTTA get out more mate :wink: :laughing:

Tell me about it. Im trying to stay positive with the NHS but I am losing the will to live :laughing: It will help their targets though.