Vintage Roadscene The Rare Ones

Come across this today in WH Smiths, only £7.95 it covers most of the known makes but also one or two forgotten. Its focus is the models that didn’t quite make it big, an interesting read as we are always looking for the unusual on here and having a quick look through it seems a lot of the photo’s I haven’t seen before. Cheers Franky.

I’ve got all the Vintage Roadscene extra publications including this one, and Heavy Haulage, Life with Lorries, On the Dust,(A history of bin waggons). These come out at regular intervals, but I have Vintage Roadscene every month and find it most interesting, may be because it’s an age thing!

I’ve got all the Vintage Roadscene extra publications including this one, and Heavy Haulage, Life with Lorries, On the Dust,(A history of bin waggons). These come out at regular intervals, but I have Vintage Roadscene every month and find it most interesting, may be because it’s an age thing!

I’m with you on that, spend hours with my magnifying glass peering at those old pictures.

I find Vintage Roadscene much better than Classic Commercials but I’ve had to swear to not subscribe to anymore magazines (refered to as junk by the gaffer) so I’m relegated to skipping through the mags now and then in the Newsagents. I had to smuggle the The Rare Ones mag into my collection! Cheers Franky.

Tip for Franky- hide it inside one of your ■■■■■■■ mags. She’'ll never think of looking there!

Retired Old ■■■■:
Tip for Franky- hide it inside one of your ■■■■■■■ mags. She’'ll never think of looking there!

I have all the trucking magazines, Vintage road Scene, Heritage Commercials, Classic Commercials, Classic Military, as well as the modern Commercial Motor, Trucking and Truck and Driver, together, mum calls them my “Trucking ■■■■”, sad ain’t it?

Ha ha ROF good idea I’ll try that. I went into Town the other day on the quiet to buy her something for our 45th Anniversary tomorrow and she quizzed me what I’d been buying, of course I couldn’t tell her so she thought I’d been buying books or trucking mags again! Don’t we just love their little cotton socks ha ha. Cheers Franky.

:laughing: :laughing:

Ha ha ROF good idea I’ll try that. I went into Town the other day on the quiet to buy her something for our 45th Anniversary tomorrow and she quizzed me what I’d been buying, of course I couldn’t tell her so she thought I’d been buying books or trucking mags again! Don’t we just love their little cotton socks ha ha. Cheers Franky.

Yep they’re suspicious things women :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: