View your driving licence information - GOV.UK

just found this web page and was quiet shocked how easy it is to check your licence with only 3 bits of simple information.

just found this web page and was quiet shocked how easy it is to check your licence with only 3 bits of simple information.

Been around a while and a few have posted that link

Why shocked, you can check loads of stuff online these days with very little information.

There’s been a few threads on here about this. The info isn’t always correct though, my licence info is wrong and has been ever since they launched the page.

Sorry that I’ve posted something that has been covered before.
I know it’s simple to check things online these days but I just thought this was too easy.

Why shocked, you can check loads of stuff online these days with very little information.

There’s been a few threads on here about this. The info isn’t always correct though, my licence info is wrong and has been ever since they launched the page.

Took a look ,and mine aint right,cos the website says, expires 8 Feb 2018… my licence says expire 28 feb 2018,


Why shocked, you can check loads of stuff online these days with very little information.

There’s been a few threads on here about this. The info isn’t always correct though, my licence info is wrong and has been ever since they launched the page.

Took a look ,and mine aint right,cos the website says, expires 8 Feb 2018… my licence says expire 28 feb 2018,
Are you looking at the correct expiry date? The one on the website should be the same as the one on the front of your licence (Item 4b). The various other expiry dates on the back are normally different. Also check that you are looking at the right licence (i.e. the Issue Number shown on the website should be the same as the one shown after the Driver Number on your licence (Item 5).