Video uplod onto TN

trying to upload a 2 min video onto here, after some idiot tried to kill him/herself and me today. I’ve got the file, and pressed add the file button. all that happens is the page just reopens blank, and with no video uploaded. Anybody know what i’m not doing correctly please?

trying to upload a 2 min video onto here, after some idiot tried to kill him/herself and me today. I’ve got the file, and pressed add the file button. all that happens is the page just reopens blank, and with no video uploaded. Anybody know what i’m not doing correctly please?

Upload it to YouTube then post the link. What happened dude? :open_mouth:

On the m61 a knob couldnt wait for 10 seconds and cut across the front of me. A daily occurence I know, but this driver was so close I was just waiting for the bang. Luckily I managed to avoid him. Vidvto follow