Video Of Why Trucks Should Slow Down At Accident Site

Semi pushes the car for 100 metres(300 feet) and driver didn’t realise car was stuck under the front of his truck; … 21,00.html

what an idiot

the film didnt say if the car driver was charged for fitting those seat covers :sunglasses:

what an idiot

Wasn’t you Beattun was it :wink:

Thank goodness the driver was wearing his hi-viz, mind you didn’t keep him awake though, did it? :unamused:

Hey Spardo,
At least the car seat covers were hi-vis,for cows that is :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Jeesus! thats scary.

Sometimes we have to remember that we are driving very powerful vehicles and lookout IS one of the most important things, as if you touch something you might not know about it if you don’t see it.

However, the driver was obviously not paying attention to the road - nothing else at fault there from what can be seen in the vid.


that’s very similar to what happened in front of me on the m25…a spanish driver caught a car on his front bumper and just drove on for a bit (at least 300 feet)before locking up all his brakes and going across all 3 lanes…the car driver was very shook up,and i don’t blame him…no one wanted to go down and see what was left of the car and driver…but he was lucky the car was hit on the passenger side and didn’t go under the front of the truck…just skidded along with the tyres smoking…and luckily we all managed to stop without incident(just). :open_mouth:

ellies dad:

what an idiot

Wasn’t you Beattun was it :wink:

rumbled :frowning:

truck from the CONTINEX company…

Bet the car driver was inCONTINEX after that experience

seat covers would look like the cow was still wearing em in the farmyard before being hosed down !!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

How many times have4 ytoucomke across an accident and the car drivers have slowed down to a snails pace so they can have a gfood nosey.


ellies dad:

what an idiot

Wasn’t you Beattun was it :wink:

rumbled :frowning:

I knew it wasnt you really. An Actros would have pushed that car alot further :laughing: :wink:

ellies dad:


ellies dad:

what an idiot

Wasn’t you Beattun was it :wink:

rumbled :frowning:

I knew it wasnt you really. An Actros would have pushed that car alot further :laughing: :wink:

the car woulda pushed the actros :unamused:


ellies dad:


ellies dad:

what an idiot

Wasn’t you Beattun was it :wink:

rumbled :frowning:

I knew it wasnt you really. An Actros would have pushed that car alot further :laughing: :wink:

the car woulda pushed the actros :unamused:

:blush: :laughing: :blush: :laughing: :blush: :laughing: :blush: :laughing: :blush: :laughing: :blush: :laughing: :blush: :laughing:

Saw it happen a couple of years bach sat in about a mile of traffice on the 25 waiting to get on the M11. Car in front of me gets impatient and just whips out into the middle lane and was promptly collected by a morrisons truck.

Turned him sideways and pushed him and passengers at least 2 trucks furtherdown the road. Nobody hurt just a very dented pride of a car driver, Morrisons driver didn’t see him it was that quick and thought his enginee had blown up because of all the smoke coming of the cars tyres.

N2N Transport:
Saw it happen a couple of years bach sat in about a mile of traffice on the 25 waiting to get on the M11. Car in front of me gets impatient and just whips out into the middle lane and was promptly collected by a morrisons truck.

Turned him sideways and pushed him and passengers at least 2 trucks furtherdown the road. Nobody hurt just a very dented pride of a car driver, Morrisons driver didn’t see him it was that quick and thought his enginee had blown up because of all the smoke coming of the cars tyres.

Been there, done that. A few years ago, early morning summer deserted motorway, I was heading north from the bottom of the M11. At the first junction a car joined the n/s lane in a fashion where by it was turned and picked up by the dd Foden’s front bumper. The first I knew about it was a few hundred yards later when a juddering shook the cab. My thoughts were third diff failure but obviously the car’s rubber was hot and sticky by this point. You can’t imagine how shaken I was when I then noticed a thin yellow strip of Fiesta roof along the bottom of the screen. When I dropped the car I found a rather shaken lady and some minor panel damage - the truck was unmarked.

what an idiot

In the video, when the driver gets out of the cab, his words are “I can’t see it mate - where did it come from”. That is exactly the way it is; the car came from one blind spot and was turned into another and believe me when you turn it and pick it up you don’t feel a thing. Of course to understand this you have to have been there - obviously neither beattun nor the cops at the scene have.

i actually feel i should retract my idiot statement to be fair, ive seen this discussed on the aussie trucking forum and similar points were put, not everything is as it seems, or as the media direct them to seem…

I collected a small ■■■■■■ van on the crash bar of my Mk 1 Atki many years ago. Two Yanks from that big base in Oxfordshire (Upper Heyford, just remembered :unamused: ) were in front of me then pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. Just as I went passed they spotted the road they wanted on the right and set off again.
I remember watching the roof of the van bobbing up and down just below my windscreen as I gently steered it across the road. The crash bar impaled the van just behind the driver’s door removing the petrol cap in the process.
The very shaken driver got out from the passenger side and walked round before leaning on the shattered door and lighting up. The look of wonder turning to blind panic on his face was priceless as he watched all at the scene heading for the hills as he realised the wavy haze surrounding him was petrol fumes. :laughing: