Very sad indeed :cry: :cry:

sympathies to the family

yes its tragic and my sympathies for the driver that hit them. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

i got stuck in the preceeding jam that followed. i was about 800 yards from this tragic accident , was sat there for 2 1/2 hours before the police turned us all around and sent us back up the motorway.

the thing that really [zb]me off was three lads walked up the carridgeway from behind me some where to go and have a look. ffs it was serious there was three fire engines ,three ambulances and 10 police cars went to it and these clowns come walking back down the motorway having a dam good laugh .

some folks really are beyond belief :smiling_imp:

as above deepest condolences to all concerned and especially the father of the child that survived :cry: :cry:


Very sad, condoloncies to everyone involved and their families & freinds.

the thing that really [zb]me off was three lads walked up the carridgeway from behind me some where to go and have a look. ffs it was serious there was three fire engines ,three ambulances and 10 police cars went to it and these clowns come walking back down the motorway having a dam good laugh

i’m surprised at that jon,the police normally stop people from approaching the scene especially if it’s fatal.i think i’d be tempted to say something to them,some people are beyond belief :wink:

Oh Jesus, I just read the link :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
How tragic

Another report here.

Very sad indeed.

Of course my condolences go out to the family concerned…god bless them…but this type of accident happens quite a lot…why ■■ it a serious lack of concentration…taking their eyes off the road ahead…thats what it seems like to me…and according to the report…3 vehicles ploughed into the broken down car…and in my opinion all 3 are guilty of at least the charge of manslaughter…so should lose their licences…if it was a police car parked there no doubt it wouldnt have happened…cos drivers tend to drive a bit more carefully when the boys in blue are about…

is it a serious lack of concentration…taking their eyes off the road ahead

trucky the car had broken down in the middle lane of a unlit section of motorway. not the place you would expect a stationary car to be. :cry: i bet that until they was ontop of it they didn’t see it,very sad

earlier on that night on the new a1 weatherby bypass i passed a wagon in what was lane 1 of the roadworks broken down why didn’t he put it the other side of the cones :question: . that was on a lit section of road but still vehicles were swerving to avoid it. :cry:

Jonboy…what observation you have…and i do not… :laughing: …but it does happen anyway…sad though it is…