Very nasty one on the Pike last night

At 9.00pm last night (weds) a west bound tractor / Trailer, doing at least 65 mph swerved to avoid a cow in the center lane near Charlton services, crossed the center reserve and hit a double going the other way head on :exclamation:
The double was doing about the same speed :exclamation: I drove past in the opposite direction at 11.00am today and they were still clearing up. The tractor and leading trailer of the double were totally demolished, the roof of the trailer was sticking straight up in the air and the remains of the other truck (just a chassis and engine) were facing the opposite way on the bed of that trailer :exclamation: 4 people were killed as two cars were hit also. From what I have heard through various channels the driver of the doubles was erased :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: … thats the only way to describe it, as it is imposible to actually find the remains of his body :exclamation:

At least the poor guy didn’t suffer. My thoughts go out to his family at this sad loss, which ever farmer owned that cow needs locking up :exclamation:

Amen to that :frowning:
We’ve been told, not to swerve for animals. But you just don’t know what your reactions will be until you come across that situation.
My thoughts go out to the families :frowning:
Bad news, Pat, bad news :frowning:

Prays to the family!
I hit a cow once on the M69 Coventry-Leicester…The truck was a total right off.
I was lucky.


Likewise, never try and dodge animals in a truck up here, not this time of year. You’re just asking up for a tour of ditches, hospitals, or morgues. Nasty incident Pat, glad it wasn’t you.

As all the old Aussie hands know, that is what bull bars are for, not decoration.
In the outback we would never swerve for roos or cows, no matter what. It’s a matter of instilled reaction.

Salut, David.