Vegatarain sasauges

my little un wants to know what “truckers cafes” sell them

my little un wants to know what “truckers cafes” sell them

Any MSA. Must be vegetarian cos there sure as hell ain’t any meat in them! :wink:

Why do vegetarians always want their food to be meat product shaped? Vegetarian sausages, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian cutlets? :smiley:

i’m not vegetarian but do like Linda Mccarteny stuff. also have you seen what goes in a cheap sausage

Why do vegetarians always want their food to be meat product shaped? Vegetarian sausages, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian cutlets? :smiley:

Good point, my missus is a veggy but never in 15 yrs has she eaten anything like what was mentioned above, what’s the point she says. :confused:

i’m not vegetarian but do like Linda Mccarteny stuff. also have you seen what goes in a cheap sausage

They taste like they’ve dug her up, and put her in them .YUK! :wink:

Why do vegetarians always want their food to be meat product shaped? Vegetarian sausages, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian cutlets? :smiley:

Because they are shapes that work! Can’t see a vegetarian pyramid, rectangle or octagon working myself. Couldn’t have a sphere lest someone suggests it’s copying a scotch egg :wink:

Is this one of those “magic eye” threads where you have to stare at the title for a while to try and work out what it is actually supposed to say :open_mouth:


i told him to stick to carnervery ism

Just so you know:

Veggie sausages belong in the bin along with alcohol free beer, low fat spread, skimmed milk, sugar free coke etc.
And another thing…Turkey Bacon!
Oooer. I think it’s time for my medication. Nurse!

Bacon, now there is a contentious product. Bacon is supposed to be a cured meat product so why does it go off if not kept in the fridge? And whilst Im on the subject what the hell is that white crap that seems to come out of ALL british bacon when its fried. Fried of course is what i try to do to it, though so much water comes out it boils itself to death - and this includes the expensive so called “traditionally cured” stuff from M&S, Waitrose and the like.

Personally I stick to good Spanish bacon, the only thing that comes out of it is good old fashioned bacon fat.

Bacon, now there is a contentious product. Bacon is supposed to be a cured meat product so why does it go off if not kept in the fridge? And whilst Im on the subject what the hell is that white crap that seems to come out of ALL british bacon when its fried. Fried of course is what i try to do to it, though so much water comes out it boils itself to death - and this includes the expensive so called “traditionally cured” stuff from M&S, Waitrose and the like.

Personally I stick to good Spanish bacon, the only thing that comes out of it is good old fashioned bacon fat.

If you don’t like the water coming out of it then I suggest you try dry cured. Although personally I love the cheap Tesco Value bacon, it’s lovely. And I love my bacon, I eat it every day.

Ive tried dry cured, the cheap stuff and the expensive stuff and its all the same.

Ive tried dry cured, the cheap stuff and the expensive stuff and its all the same.

Really? I certainly don’t think it is. Maybe I’ll cook some different types of bacon in my next video to prove it! :wink:

Whats with these vegetatians when all farm animals are vegetarians ■■ you can’t beat a good Lincolnshire Sauasge


my little un wants to know what “truckers cafes” sell them

Think everyone who knows you would do if you order it


Why do vegetarians always want their food to be meat product shaped? Vegetarian sausages, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian cutlets? :smiley:

Because they are shapes that work! Can’t see a vegetarian pyramid, rectangle or octagon working myself. Couldn’t have a sphere lest someone suggests it’s copying a scotch egg :wink:

They are shapes that work for meat eaters but surely vegetarians should have their processed food crafted to be carrot shaped, Brussels sprout shaped, bell pepper shaped, leek shaped, broccoli floret shaped and so on. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Can’t see a vegetarian pyramid, Samosa rectangle block of cheese or octagon different kind of cheese working myself.

They all currently work. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Couldn’t have a sphere lest someone suggests it’s copying a scotch egg :wink:

Balls. :smiley:



Why do vegetarians always want their food to be meat product shaped? Vegetarian sausages, vegetarian burgers, vegetarian cutlets? :smiley:

Because they are shapes that work! Can’t see a vegetarian pyramid, rectangle or octagon working myself. Couldn’t have a sphere lest someone suggests it’s copying a scotch egg :wink:

They are shapes that work for meat eaters but surely vegetarians should have their processed food crafted to be carrot shaped, Brussels sprout shaped, bell pepper shaped, leek shaped, broccoli floret shaped and so on. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this similar to the why Lesbians like Strapons debate ■■