Vastly Exp

I knew it wasn’t. Like it!! :laughing:

Am I missing something wots happened to steveo?

Hello anybody there■■?

If you want to know more about trucking in Canada you need to click on the link:

Anybody heard about the whereabouts of “Vastly Exp” at all? :confused:

He’s still ‘hammer down’ for H+R & lovin’ it. :laughing:

Thats dead on Harry,
There was a post on another website from a guy who had been out to see them,he turned their job offer down as he said they have been bringing UK guy’s over for the past 2 years in batches of around 30 every two months but there is “only” a total of 52 British guy’s there at the minute!!! :open_mouth:
The Sandman hotel was full of ALOT of unhappy campers!!! :confused:

eye harry i am still here.
just keeping my ear to the ground.

just a note there seems to be hell on here,some of these drivers dont like the job for some reason,cant think why■■?.

Give me a bell sometime ,Vast. I’d like to get you up to speed on whats shakin’ down in the oldest borough in the oldest country.

hi harry.
i dont know whats going on here,mr squeaky and his mates have taken it upon them selves to argue about the money without consulting anybody else.

Keep on trucking,Vast. One singer ,one song. I always tried to keep out of politics except when I felt the blade between my shoulder blades. And then I got down to guerrilla warfare tactics & sorted the lot of 'em out. :laughing:

I was hoping someone else who was here would weigh in on this one, Vast. I was beginning to feel like I was on my own.

How you doing? and you Harry, You ok?

No probs ,Bob.Thanks for asking.Everything good with you, I hope…?