Being a smoker I have just switched to vaping after trying e-cigs which i couldn’t get on with and was wondering if there are any fellow vapers on here who have run into difficulty with company policies banning smoking in their trucks or RDC waiting rooms extending this ban to vaping ?
Or ever just not bothered to ask and gone for a stealth vape…
I talk to my boss in his office while vaping he doesn’t smoke but he doesn’t bat an eyelid. Lots of places I go to have banned vaping though, wouldn’t be surprised if rdc staff banned it cause they’re hardly known for being on drivers side. It’s not braking the law though so I’d still stealth vape if needed. Still a lot of idiots who can’t believe it’s no better then smoking and instantly give out lectures with absolutely zero knowledge on the subject.
■■■■ em
Being a smoker I have just switched to vaping after trying e-cigs which i couldn’t get on with and was wondering if there are any fellow vapers on here who have run into difficulty with company policies banning smoking in their trucks or RDC waiting rooms extending this ban to vaping ?
Or ever just not bothered to ask and gone for a stealth vape…
Sorry for being thick Dave, but as a non smoker what the hell’s… vaping.
Might be best having a stealth vape or a sneaky vape in the loo’s if in doubt.
Will have to watch the flavours though as its only a matter of time before someone wanting to feed their moral high horse screams ‘I know youve been vaping in the loos it smells of cherries’.
Had a work colleague ask the question and was told by HR that he would need to go to the smoke hut …
In his defence I did say he was trying to become smoke free and as such going to the smoke area was a tad backwords what with the smell etc
Think the way forward might be to act daft, don’t want to go into an RDC waving my toker about as they might think we are having a relaxed POA/Break and then ban it just to spite us.
Luckily mine looks like a big pen and reckon if I hold my breath for a few seconds I can stop the vapour coming out after a good ■■■■.
I have no objections to anyone smoking an E-cig just the same way as a “normal” cig, the only real objection I have is if you sit at the side of me and smoke it, especially if we where sat inside an RDC waiting room. I`d definitely (politely) ask you not to smoke it while your sat next to me, & suggest that you walk outside to smoke it where no one would object.
I have no objections to anyone smoking an E-cig just the same way as a “normal” cig, the only real objection I have is if you sit at the side of me and smoke it, especially if we where sat inside an RDC waiting room. I`d definitely (politely) ask you not to smoke it while your sat next to me, & suggest that you walk outside to smoke it where no one would object.
To this I would politely apologise and do as requested, the last thing i want is an argument on vaping or attention being drawn to my vaping activities.
From what i have read the vapour coming off is as harmless as steam from a coffee cup but I’m no scientist and the whole point of vaping is to give smokers their fix without harming others and helping smokers enjoy their addiction whilst weaning them off the nasties but none the less if I was to take a defensive position this would not help.
Course if you broke wind shortly after I would go mental
I was at a NATO fuel depot when I saw a young lad smoking, jumped on him like a ton of bricks!!
When I fell silent he mumbled “Sorry Cheif I’m only vapping”, whilst showing me the offending item .
“Oh sorry about that, my fault”. Off I walked thinking what the [zb] is vapping?
No way I was going to embarass myself further by asking what he was on, or on about!!!
I think you would have still had a point, don’t think I would vape in a fuel rich area in the same way as I wouldn’t smoke a proper ciggy, force of habit or just being cautious.
I have no objections to anyone smoking an E-cig just the same way as a “normal” cig, the only real objection I have is if you sit at the side of me and smoke it, especially if we where sat inside an RDC waiting room. I`d definitely (politely) ask you not to smoke it while your sat next to me, & suggest that you walk outside to smoke it where no one would object.
Why would you have an objection Pierre? Is it because you think you OUGHT to object, or do you actually have genuine grounds to object to it? Would you object to a man sitting beside you with a steaming cup of coffee or other such drink perhaps?
I’m not having a dig btw, I am genuinely interested in hearing what your actual objections are.
What can be the justification for not allowing it, or not wanting someone to vap next door to you??
It’s not smoking at all. It’s just water vapour + nicotine. Presumably people wouldn’t object to people chewing nicotine gum, so what’s the difference??
I use one and I am down to 6 ciggy’s a day from 35.
Yes I use my vaping watumacallit every where incl rdc’s. [zb] em.
I ain’t been challenged yet.
Jeez Greggy, you must have felt like a badgers A hole on 35 a day, my peak was about 20 a day for about a year before I had to throw in the towel, it’s easier to give up on the back of being ill with the flu or some such. I did speak to that young fella that owns Hawkins Logistics & he was on about 60 a day before he quit!
I think you’ve got to really want to quit or you have no chance. Pressure from outside doesn’t cut it.