Vaping in my cab

On a dock last week, sat in my cab vaping and minding my own business, a security gaurd was walking past and pointed at me, he came up to my window and said “No smoking?” I politely pointed out it was a vape and not a cigarette, he insisted it is the same thing and I am to go to the smoking area. I have stopped smoking and was forced to sit in a smoking shelter breathing in everyone’s smoke whilst I was vaping, he didn’t stop at that though even though I agreed and politely followed his silly rule. He rang my company up to tell them. Now although my company didn’t bother with it, the mere fact that this wannabe policeman tried to get me into bother was enough to make me dislike him. Some of these security people really are pathetic.

Just remind him next time that nmw that he will be on requires minimum effort, and to ■■■■ off somewhere else. Yes he’ll probably throw a big hissy fit, cry to his boss and maybe your boss. You might even get chucked off site, depending on how desperately they want your load.

But it will cheer you up no end. If anything I’m probably too chilled out at work and let nob ends like them go over my head. Occasionally though when my stress levels are up a bit, or having a shift from hell and some ■■■■ womble like you’ve described decides to start their ■■■■, they occasionally get to ■■■■ off.

On the vaping side, I’m not the biggest fan but would prefer to share a wagon with someone who vapes than smokes in a wagon their entire shift.

Just a man with a small ■■■■■ trying to establish the pecking order with you mate. The fact that he probably felt foolish when you told him it was a vape simply reinforced his need to take some kind of action. This is the type of guy who is at the bottom of the pecking order both at home and socially.

If I had to give any advice on vaping it would be to keep an eye out as if you were having a crafty real ■■■, don’t wave a red flag in front of them.

I once asked my boss what the Co policy on vaping in the trucks was, he replied “we don’t have a policy, don’t make us make one” as he walked off with a wink.

It’s prob the company policy

Ive had it before on site where the site manager rang my boss because i was vaping.

He came over shouting and balling like i was a school kid because i was “smoking” in a non smoking area andnot wearing ppe (my glasses, to which i didnt have on because i was in my cab, He told me he had already complained to my company.

He was completely out of order the way he bowled across and flew off, if he had come across and been polite i would of played game but i wasnt having non of it because of how he came across.

Well i gave him a few choice of words, to which he rang the boss up again to tell him I was using threatening behavior and that i was banned of site for ever.

Fortunataly for me ive got a good boss and i was on the phone to the him giving an update when he first came over and went off on one to me so the boss knew what he was like with me, My boss told him thats fine I wont be coming back on site as requested but if im not allowed on then non of our drivers are.

On the way out of site the banksman stopped me and shook my hand and said he was hoping that i gave him a hiding as all he does all day is give the lads greif on site.

They needed alot more of the product we were taking into them so it backfired on him. Within about 10 minutes of me leaving site i was “unbanned” and on my next job there the bloke sheepishly came over to me and apologized for how he spoke to me.

Boss had a quiet word with me and said that he could understand fully why i lost it with him but said next time just pull straight out of site and come back the yard and ill have your back.

It’s prob the company policy

May well be the company policy, I went along with it politely without any fuss, he took it further by ringing my firm up to try to get me in the ■■■■. There was no need. He was just being a prick

The reason these companies don’t want you to vape is not because it is illegal, or dangerous, or in any way harmful to anybody or any aspect of their business, but rather because they realise that the driver is obtaining some type of pleasure from doing it, and the thought of a visiting driver being anything other than thoroughly miserable for the entire time he is on their premises is more than they can stand. :unamused:

Next time ask him where is the sign stating no use of ecigarettes? Go to new look at stoke and they have a separate shelter for ecig users

One of the places I go has banned these vape things as one exploded in a guys pocket sending him to the hospital with some quite serious burns. They are completely banned off site, you can’t even have one in your cab or car.

One of the places I go has banned these vape things as one exploded in a guys pocket sending him to the hospital with some quite serious burns. They are completely banned off site, you can’t even have one in your cab or car.

heard of that happening before, it blew up in his face with quite serious consequences. It was through him making his own coil and modifying it though, suspect the one your saying about was the same circumstance.

One of the places I go has banned these vape things as one exploded in a guys pocket sending him to the hospital with some quite serious burns. They are completely banned off site, you can’t even have one in your cab or car.


Have they banned cars and lorries too, because each day cars and lorries kill, maim and injure 100s of people per day. PER DAY!!! SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

Come to think of it, my mate’s dad died after falling down a set of steps. I hope they’ve banned steps too! ■■■■■■■ dangerous things.

One of the places I go has banned these vape things as one exploded in a guys pocket sending him to the hospital with some quite serious burns. They are completely banned off site, you can’t even have one in your cab or car.

How are they going to know if you have one in your cab? Another massive knee jerk reaction of idiots thinking they can control everyone.


I know its slightly off-topic but you should consider giving up vaping.
I found it great tool to quit smoking but you end up using it more then standard cigarettes.

YES…but its a great aid as well…ask the boss if its ok to vape in the cab…when he gives you the ok…you can then smoke real cigarettes…and if anyone phones up, the boss will say `Yes we know, but its a vape and not a real one… :wink: :wink:

Just shut the curtains,and carry on.
This is guaranteed to wind the ■■■■ out of any screw.