The other finish truck : two models of this AEC licensed manufacturer.

only engines was bought of aec and the ergo cab complrte whit interior frm britain ,rest was fuller /zf boxes and timken rearaxles and then the rest finnish genuin work :smiley: :smiley: ,cheers benkku

The other finish truck : two models of this AEC licensed manufacturer.

same model t690 bouht the left older 63-66 the other 65-67 AEC 690 /691 and AVT690 engines was normal,cheers benkku
ok i was wrong the left is a 6x2 and aT690 the right isa4x4 and the letter before 690 is N

A seldom configuration for this Vanaja : 6x4 with the 2 axles driven and the last lift.

A seldom configuration for this Vanaja : 6x4 with the 2 axles driven and the last lift.

in fact it is 4x4 whit a semi , but there was some 6x4 whit tag ,but these were the usual way in forestransports until early70,s cheers benkku