Van Hee

Jobs have been saved following the buyout of a Gateshead based transport firm and distribution company

The transportation arm of Van Hee Transport has been bought by Sheffield based logistics provider the TAL group

But bosses have promised there will be no job losses TAL chairman Neil Taylor said Van Hee is very highly regarded and has a long tradition in the North East. We are delighted to have bought the business under the TAL group

We have pledged that there will be no redundancies as a result of the buyout and we are whole heartedly committed to that.

Our intention is to significantly develop our business in the North East

did they gallaher bros of consett as well■■?

The TAL group have been doing a lot of shopping lately.


did they gallaher bros of consett as well■■?

Yes they bought Gallagher bros of consett also Freeway Haulage of Dunston

Van Hee were a big company in their hey day back in the 80’s now they’ll be lucky if they’ve got 12 artics.

Good to see the jobs are secure

Did not know they were in trouble - glad to see an old established name is going to be kept.
Wonder what happens to their training arm.

Van Hee still have there training arm they run in conjunction with Gateshead Collage

Yep Davey they probably have about 12 artics now but are in the pallet network

As far as I am aware they are not involved in Palletline any more. Think they left a good few months ago. Are they involved with any other network?

It’s a bit different from when they used to send Transcontis off to the M/E. Used to badge them as ■■■■■■■ rather than Ford so as not to upset the locals :smiley:

stiller does there palletline work now

As far as I am aware they are not involved in Palletline any more. Think they left a good few months ago. Are they involved with any other network?

Normally a few B&Q wagon and Drags parked up in their depot so whether thats Van Hee or just a parking place I dont know■■?

I was up that end t’other week and had a thought about another company. Maybe more Teesside though.

What happened to Freighthire from Urlay ■■■■?

Stillers at Aycliffe and DTS at Cramlington are doing the Palletline distribution in the region now.

Van Hee only have 3 artics left, the rest are for sale at Bells Stockton.

The yard is used for parking by Roadferry, Wincanton and a few other small Co’s like McCann and Lewis Day.

The rest is being used for storage and training!

Ramage and Crawfords are also doing Palletline work

just had a look at that TAL’s website - owner driver to signing contracts with the chinese worth £100m in a short space of time… hmmm, am I just a cynic?

Crawfords do UK Pallets and I dont think Ramage are in a network now!

Sorry to correct you Sis :smiley: :sunglasses:

just had a look at that TAL’s website - owner driver to signing contracts with the chinese worth £100m in a short space of time… hmmm, am I just a cynic?

That was my first thought.

But in reality am I cynical … or just envious?


Crawfords do UK Pallets and I dont think Ramage are in a network now!

Sorry to correct you Sis :smiley: :sunglasses:

Hi zebadee, HELP :exclamation:

I think there are a couple of firms called “Ramage,” which one is being discussed :question:
I’m not sure which is which though…


We’re talking about Ramage Transport (grey and white trucks) in Newcastle not Ramage Distribution from Scotland (yellow n blue trucks) :laughing: :sunglasses:


We’re talking about Ramage Transport (grey and white trucks) in Newcastle not Ramage Distribution from Scotland (yellow n blue trucks) :laughing: :sunglasses:

Hi and cheers for that zebadee, I thought there were a couple of firms with the same name.:grimacing:
The way that the pallet networks, and their members,come and go, then the networks buy each other, it’s difficult to keep up :open_mouth:
:frowning: The names of the networks are all fairly similar to each other too :confused:
It’s certainly a fast-moving part of the industry. :smiley: