Today travelling north on the M6 I clocked a south bound queue from Junct 20 ( M56 ) to junct 12 ( A5 ). This was all down to the V festival near Telford.
Do you think that these festivals should be policed in that the amount of traffic congestion they cause that they pay a price.
I was southbound on the M6 this morning and started to slow down at Junct 13 were there was the hard shoulder and the slow lane of the M6 queing to leave at junct 12, this was around 8am.
On my return journey around 1pm the queue was totally astounding, and all for a music festival.
I personally think that there should be some sort of monitoring as to the number of vehicles entering the site and then the organisers charged per vehicle, this charge could then be paid as some sort of rebate to the haulage industry. This will either deter people from travelling in their cars to such events at such a crucial time to essential users or at least reduce taxes that the haulage industry has to pay when we cannot get the full use of the motorway network to our most econimical use.
Just wondered what your thoughts are
I set off from Red Lodge this morning for Whitchurch (1 hour late !!!), tipped straight away ( Cheers Grocontinental, top people ! ), left there at 1140 and thanks to the ■■■■ traffic managment I scraped into the Orwell Crossing at 1915 with 10 minutes spread over left. Cheers Virgin.
I have to say though, there were many, many merry young ladies in tight fitting tops !
The Chelmsford site was causing chaos today too. It’s a pain in the arse when it rolls into the town and buggers up one of our nicest parks for a while but it does pour money into the town.
Think yourselves lucky you don’t live here. We have to put up with this crap all weekend.
But then again, we’ve actually earnt money taking stuff into and out of the V festivals.
Can’t have it all ways I guess.
On the other hand, Who or what do I blame for the queue from Gloucester to the midlands this afternoon■■? Not that I’m complaining now I’m paid by the hour.
i have been goin the v fest in weston park for the last 2 years an its great, we leave here at 7am on a friday to beat the rush as the queues are horrendus !!!
I got stuck in this jam!! jesshhh made it back from Bolton to Northampton 5 hrs (including and extra 45 min break) Hinkley and aTamworth pick up’s not done!! 9hrs 48 mins driving for the day!! The TM’s number was ready for the 'Come and get me ’ call.
Today travelling north on the M6 I clocked a south bound queue from Junct 20 ( M56 ) to junct 12 ( A5 ).
Just wondered what your thoughts are
My thoughts are it’s a typical friday/sunday pm on the knackered M6, now extending for the last year or 2 to the Thursday pm jam because everyone’s fed up of been stuck in the friday jam
Why can’t people work from home nowadays instead of mauling about, especially truckers
mark h:
i have been goin the v fest in weston park for the last 2 years an its great, we leave here at 7am on a friday to beat the rush as the queues are horrendus !!!
Iam lucky in away Iam not working this week but stuck at home with the kids dont know whats worse to be honest to be stuck with the 6yr old princess from hell and the narky 2yr old prince or sat in a traffic jam on the M6.
M6 wins hands down. Iam off for another week as the missus has had a baby so when shes back I will make the excuse of the boss needs me and get back into to work quicker.
well only blame yourselves… the matrix signs have been warning bout this for at least a week that they woul be delays… you can only blame yourselves… these matrix signs tell the truth sometimes unlike thursday morning southbound m6 near j19 saying they was animals ont he road… didnt see any, maybe it was the cows crossing the bridge over the road they were on about
Wait til september when they start even more roadworks on the m6, they are not finishing them til winter 2010
I start work 2 hours early so I can avoid the daily jc 10-9 delays, I would go insane if I had to endure them every day
unlike thursday morning southbound m6 near j19 saying they was animals ont he road… didnt see any, maybe it was the cows crossing the bridge over the road they were on about
That was some @@@@ ringing to say there was a dog 1 mile south of Knutsford services , at least there was a decent location so the signs were local, not just there’s a dog on the M6 so they are set from B’ham to Scotland .
Oh for the record there was no dog
But there has been 16 occasions of 2 dogs ON the c/way at S/bach , The owners missus gave him a right ear bashing to buy some wood and wire sharpish they are now penned up . No mitherin u lot
I personally think that there should be some sort of monitoring as to the number of vehicles entering the site and then the organisers charged per vehicle
The organisers are charged to Police the event,
Yeh so you got slowed up, deal with it,
You wanna try getting home to Manchester from darn sarf when the Reds from the other side of town are playing, some people have to deal with that more that once a year
should be fun tomorrow night then.
we are at liverpool arena at mo, leave tomorrow night for wembley, prob gonna be a nightmare on the m6 when v kicks out, plus, got a funny feeling the m6 is shut tomorrow night, around birmingham/m42 area, i think. what with the holiday traffic aswell, could be an interesting night
I take it you have never been to a festival yourself!!!..It’s the weekend…not a normal busy working day…It’s once a year…let the people enjoy themselves!!!
Wherever there is a large organised event…there will be traffic…If you go in a group by car…it saves you a fortune on rip-off train fares…
Like most big festivals, its been well highlighted all week…so transport companies should gives drivers loads of extra time…and drivers should have the common sense to find alternative routes…and yes that can mean a fair diversion…but thats they way it goes…
Motorways were not built just solely for good vehicles…so stop the Me and My Lorry…■■■■■■■■!!!
I went to Glastonbury this year and it took me 10 hours to get there from Bristol. Nobody cared, just got on with it. What did amaze me was the amount of trucks (not festival related ones either) stuck in the queue. If you get stuck in festival traffic you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself. Like someone said the matrix signs warn for ages beforehand. The road is for everybody to use and we all pay enough to use it. I was going in my old VW van and many people take too much stuff to make buses an option. So people, lighten up and plan your route better.