Using hard shoulder

What’s your views?

Example: Minor RTA on M8 on Friday afternoon. Miles of tailbacks. I’m sat at a road sign stating 1m to Shotts slip road. Shiny big red Volvo fh belonging to SNT from Shotts decides he will just use the hard shoulder to get to Shotts.

I was initially thinking “fair play to ya”. Now I’m thinking what a muppet. He’s probably just showered hundreds of cars with debris from the hs. Could potentially have hit someone or obstructed the emergency services. Is one persons hurry to get home more important than someone’s life?

As it happens nobody got hurt. Not even in the crash. Had a little smile when I seen what crashed though. Police mobile cordon trailer. Somewhat ironic.

Was it a mobile cordon trailer or had they just placed a new trailer there which have expanding screens to stop drivers rubber necking at accidents?

What’s your views?

Example: Minor RTA on M8 on Friday afternoon. Miles of tailbacks. I’m sat at a road sign stating 1m to Shotts slip road. Shiny big red Volvo fh belonging to SNT from Shotts decides he will just use the hard shoulder to get to Shotts. N19 SNT btw

I was initially thinking “fair play to ya”. Now I’m thinking what a muppet. He’s probably just showered hundreds of cars with debris from the hs. Could potentially have hit someone or obstructed the emergency services. Is one persons hurry to get home more important than someone’s life?

As it happens nobody got hurt. Not even in the crash. Had a little smile when I seen what crashed though. Police mobile cordon trailer. Somewhat ironic.

So his potential summons is in the post or a visit to the TC’S to explain his driving, if caught on camera.
Boys in blue take a very dim view of it normally !

It was the actual trailer that had apparently flipped over. Although didn’t look damaged badly.

If you are willing to roll the dice then that’s up to you. Even the wombles can do you for this now I believe??

What if they are in the process of clearing the accident to the hard shoulder? I know I sound like a proper old woman…

we have to get authority from the HA/HE to run along the hard shoulder.
they advise you of the speed limit(usually 20mph) and advise you of any vehicles parked on it.
then it’'s just a case of waiting while those that don’t want you to run down it in a wrecker or service van move out of the way instead of playing police man by half blocking the lane with their vauxhall cavalier or whatever.
ie ‘f88k off out the way mate i’m trying to get up there to clear the road’.
sometimes they won’t give authority and you just shuffle along till you get there and move it out the way.
but i don’t use it unless authorised as it’s a points offence.

Too risky imho to use the hard shoulder unless a dire personal situation meant I had too.

Running out of hours bollox dont count for unforseen delays so your asking for trouble.
That said I will use it if unable to join from a slip road buts its rare this happens and usually means I havent judged things correctly.

About a year ago I was in a stationary queue of traffic going past Hilton Park Services southbound. At the 300 yard marker somebody in a small van behind me decided they had had enough and could dive into the services using the shoulder. Sadly for them two vehicles ahead of me was a Police car, and the blues came on as soon as van driver took to the hard shoulder and went past him. For the sake of a couple of minutes…

If the junction/services was within visible sight, and I could see the h/s was clear, and there was no filth visible I do roll the dice - usually a couple of dozen others follow too.

I would guess it would have been visible to cameras a few times but I have never had any come back.

Near the top of my list for boiling my blood. Just wait like all decent folk do.

I think of all the tadpoles and yours was the winner?