User names

Is your trucknet user name a nickname or cb handle?

Have you (or others) adopted your user name as your nickname or cb handle?

Mine is neither btw, everyone calls me a ■■■■ :laughing:

Mine was chosen because I didn’t know what too choose, although I can think of loads id rather have now!!!

Most people now call me jd and I prefer it.

My was chosen cause at the time, the XF was the newest truck I’d traveled in (the first series one), I’d actually like to change it now though…

i used my old cb handle as i go on the old time forum a lot and more old drivers would recognise me from the handle i had . seemed logical at the time.

There should be a few explanations in here :wink:


Is your trucknet user name a nickname or cb handle?

Mine’s a nickname i had given to me in my last job. I had just started going a bit thin on top so decided not to mess about and have a number 1 haircut so it went from being medium length hair to hardly any hair so looking like i went bald overnight. :unamused:

Where is “26 years an LGV trainer” to answer this topic?

Born Idle is the name of my old punk band!

tony(first name) j(initial of surname) 105(part of reg number of my favourite ERF,B105MJU)

I’m an old hippy and my name’s Andy.

Couldnt think of one so used my initials and year of birth. Is it possible to change as can think of better ones now.

Couldnt think of one so used my initials and year of birth. Is it possible to change as can think of better ones now.

You could always re register as Formerly KR79 that way we would know who you are/ were :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: if you needed a change

My username was originally a multi-user RPG character from 25 years ago.
Yup, I’ve been online that long, since the days of Prestel and Micronet. :sunglasses:
I was a programmer before I had a car licence, let alone a truck one.

I didn’t want to be a lumberjack…

I’m an old hippy and my name’s Andy.


Mine doesn’t really need an explanation. :wink:

Mine doesn’t really need an explanation. :wink:

and the ‘2’ is because you are a thicko and couldn’t remember your password for your original account :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


… cos I am :smiley:

If I drink a half pint of anything my stunning body turns it into a pint of ■■■■. Therefore.

Peirre … Abbreviated from Peirre OBollox In the dark days when chat rooms where harmless fun to spend an hour or so in, there was some fool who kept popping up trying to pull the women on there, he mustve been a little drunk as he kept thinking I was a woman for some reason, so to affirm the fact that I was in fact a bloke I used the name Peirre OBollox. Its a name I use on many forums, social networks etc, & if the mods will allow it, Id like to amend my TNUK name to Peirre O`Bollox


Mine doesn’t really need an explanation. :wink:

and the ‘2’ is because you are a thicko and couldn’t remember your password for your original account :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :sunglasses:

Harsh but true! :grimacing: