American truckers are planning to bring the USA to a stand still for 3 days in October!
Avoid if you can!
So they’re wanting a strike because of “Corruption” what a load of BS.
Least they could strike for something decent like pay & conditions.
Pathetic response Silver Surfer, corruption in Governments throughout the World is rife and these guy’s are sick of it,planning to do some thing about it,good on them.
Another conspiracy theorist. You could come out in support of them Armageddon if you feel that strongly about it.
What will it achieve? Nothing.
Conspiracy theorist, interesting SS, have you ever wondered why all those in the Private Sector receive heavy penalties for the most minor offences,like our colleagues
receiving a prison sentence for tacho offences and also those fiddling benefits.While those in the Public Sector like in the NHS actually get away with murder,literally.
The Police who screw up big time can retire early to avoid consequences.Then we can consider the Transport Secretary and Transport Minister paying their wives over £30k
each year in wages, And you are willing to sit back and accept it SS.strange.