URGENT REQUEST for class 1 driver

This is still a current urgent last minute call for a class 1 driver to co-drive one of our 2 artics to Romania with humanitarian aid following the flooding crisis of the last two months. Unfortunately we have lost a driver due to personal reasons and are still very much in need of cover leaving this coming Wednesday 31st for a maximum of two weeks, likely to be less.
Any help, one way drive/fly even would be great. To find out more about this trip and the charity’s efforts over the last few years log on to www.hopeandaiddirect.org.uk or read MrFlibbles article on Trucknet.
I have to stress that this is voluntary work but a very rewarding experience and one that people enter into again and again.
Please email scoobiwap@hotmail.com ASAP if interested.

Come on Guys/Gals what a great chance to see a bit of the world and do a bit of good at the same with a good bunch of people…I will even do the cooking and washing up…Mind you better like beans you have been warned :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oops, that was supposed to be a PM… :blush: