Urgent help please

Tomorrow I have a load to get to Colchester for 7am from base in Soham.

Having serious blonde moment as can’t seem to work out when I need to get to the office. Is my 1st time sorting out my own start time and could use some guidance asap please lads/lasses.


Hi. It’s just over 50 miles. I always overdo it and you may not be as paranoid as me. To arrive at 0700, I would leave at 0430. This means getting to the yard for 0400, finding and checking vehicles, sorting paperwork etc.

I hate rushing - anyone who has met me will tell you that there isn’t a rush in me! Neither do I do hard work. And leaving it late makes it hard.

IMO, better to arrive at 0615 and drink coffee and read the paper before unloading. (tacho on break of course during coffee and other work during unloading if you are involved.)

I hope this helps and hope it goes well for you. Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Pete.

Was thinking of a 4am start to be on the safe side. :smiley:

Before 7 traffic is mostly light and if you go by A11/M11 its 71 miles and by A14 its 61 miles. You’d easily average 40mph either of those routes so I don’t see it taking longer than 90 minutes which means setting off at 05:30. Alowing for actuallu finding your drop when you get there, vehicle checks, securing load etc, I’d be looking at getting to work at 04:45 planing to leave at 05:15 and getting there at 06:45.
And you can thank me for the extra 45 minutes in bed :wink:

In yard for 04.30, leave 05.15-05.30 (latest) 50 mph on the A14 all the way should take just over an hour (might be a bit less, if you’ve got a Container Driver’s right foot, lol)

Just been outside for a mo and with this wind, think i’ll allow an extra 30 mins or so to get to delivery.

Thanks all

IMO always best to start early. Worst thing is to be rushing about and making mistakes.

But, when more experienced, you’ll cut it back a bit.

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

I feel the correct question here to ask is… Forget what time the load has to be there for. What time are you getting paid from?

I’m on a fixed daily rate deal that’s pretty decent so start time doesn’t really make much difference that way