Update snooper

Anyone no how to update with maps ect on ya laptop? I’ve paided n registered it. Just needs my maps now lol.

Any help greatfull cheers

Just plug it in to your laptop and follow the instructions as far as I remember,didn,t have any bother,cheers.

click this link - snooperneo.co.uk/Europe/MapSerialCheck.cfm

then on the left of the page click - Device Software Updates.

it will ask for the serial number of your nav enter that and it will tell you if there are any updates.

I v had a snooper a couple of years now and not had it updated, is it worth doing and how much is the cost.

cheers lads il try that now :slight_smile:

mr lordi, £84.99 for one update or £139.99 for future updates on the life of the snooper that is registered.
Worth it if youre doing a few countries.

I went on the page to update n it said for £70 for mine but once I click buy how do I no it’s went on my snopper? Cos I paid £30 to register it and thought after that I didn’t need to pay to update it once is done that?