Unwanted flashers!

Why do some trucks eqipped with orange flashing lights that are only meant to be used when necessary use them all the time?
On several ocassions now I have seen bulk tippers and low loaders carrying no load with their flashing lights on.
These people are as bad as the ones that use fog lamps unnecessarily causing a major distraction especially in the dark.
About time these unprofessionals were dealt with!

Why do some trucks eqipped with orange flashing lights that are only meant to be used when necessary use them all the time?
On several ocassions now I have seen bulk tippers and low loaders carrying no load with their flashing lights on.
These people are as bad as the ones that use fog lamps unnecessarily causing a major distraction especially in the dark.
About time these unprofessionals were dealt with!

You know the little blokes that have socks down their pants, just the same :laughing: look at me, look at us :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe they forgot to turn them off
I don’t think they have a light on the dash to tell them when they are on

Why do some trucks eqipped with orange flashing lights that are only meant to be used when necessary use them all the time?
On several ocassions now I have seen bulk tippers and low loaders carrying no load with their flashing lights on.
These people are as bad as the ones that use fog lamps unnecessarily causing a major distraction especially in the dark.
About time these unprofessionals were dealt with!

its a case of “hey everybody, look a me with the flashing lights it makes up for my small man” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if its a scania with stacks and orange lights on top of cab its “if ya cant see me, i’ll make sure you dam well hear me” :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Low-loader I used to drive had the rear beacon permanently wired in to the side lights so if you were running empty at night it the beacon would still flash away. Highly annoying and embarrassing but not much I could do as I didn’t want to rag the wire out of it and couldn’t unscrew it to get to the bulb. In the end I found a piece of cardboard and wrapped it round it with a bit of tape! :smiley:

Why do some trucks eqipped with orange flashing lights that are only meant to be used when necessary use them all the time?
On several ocassions now I have seen bulk tippers and low loaders carrying no load with their flashing lights on.
These people are as bad as the ones that use fog lamps unnecessarily causing a major distraction especially in the dark.
About time these unprofessionals were dealt with!

A tractor driver on a previous thread complained that he was not noticed by drivers when on main roads despite having am amber flashing light. Probably because we don’t notice them amidst all the other amber lights being used improperly. Just the same as hi-viz is less distinctive because every one uses them.

Regarding front fog lights, they should be governed by the same rules as rear ones.

Something else that annoys me is roadworkers who leave signs in situ when they have finished for the day and there is no obstruction or any other need for the signs.

Front fogs don’t bother me, as they are low level to get below fog it’s not a distraction - although illegal. The M45 is the worst for people travelling towards you with their main beams on and theyre not bothered whether it blinds you or not! The rear fogs however really annoy me when they’re not needed!

I must admit yes I am small but sometimes I do forget they are on so if you see a Hanson Veh with them on please tell me… :laughing:

But what really gets on my ■■■■ is Motorbikes with their main beam on FERKIN MUPPETS…You are blinding me so I can’t see you

Regarding front fog lights, they should be governed by the same rules as rear ones.

They are!

You MUST use headlights when visibility is seriously reduced, generally when you cannot see for more than 100 metres (328 feet). You may also use front or rear fog lights but you MUST switch them off when visibility improves (see Rule 236).

Having driven recovery trucks I know how easy it is to leave amber beacons on unintentionally (in daylight).

If you are meeting these phantom flashers coming the opposite way & can clearly see they do not require the lights on, give them a flash then point upwards & wag your index finger round in a circle. No, its not a rude sign & most times will be understood. I have often been thanked when I’ve done it.

Remember though recovery trucks with a car on the spec frame at the back are supposed to keep them on. Personally i think that’s most unnecessary.

Immingham Docks is full of tippers with strobes, they are on all the time, can’t see a reason for having them at all.

Also agree about roadwork signs left out when not needed.Quite often they are positioned wrongly in the first place as well!
Regarding motorbikes some just have very bright low beams.I doubt if any riders would put their high beam on all the time but you get muppets in all types of vehicles.
Just my opinion being a biker as well.

Regarding front fog lights, they should be governed by the same rules as rear ones.

They are. Problem is that the plod are too busy eating doughnuts to enforce it.

I’ve always been annoyed by rear fog lights, people doing 70/80 with them on, hello, if you can drive that fast you don’t need them, maybe they should be linked to your speed, say once your doing over 40mph they switch off automatically (spelling)

The one that really bugs me are the new daytime running lights on cars. I know ■■■■■ have had them for years but at least they had the sense to have the back lights lit up as well. The amount of kraut tanks up and down in fog with just there daytime lights on is unreal. Yeah you can see them behind you but if coming up behind one youre almost up his chuff. :imp: Back on topic, we had a couple of trucks with ambers on that some muppet wired in to be on all the time, :imp: , as you can imagine they didnt last the day.

Rear fogs were one of the reasons I had to emigrate. I used to go ■■■■■■ and have been known to get out and approach the driver of the offending vehicle offering to use my 2lb hammer as a switch for them unless they chose to use their switch.

Over here you do get nailed if you use the beacons when you are not required to. Maybe the police could actually do something about it at the same time as they start nailing people for the foglight thing…

maybe they forgot to turn them off

i have them on my tipper and i regularly forget to turn them off , the switch is above my head and the only way to tell if they are on is to look up at the switch , there is a tiny orange backlight on it that tells you … but i dont drive around looking upwards so they will get missed …

SOME sites that i go to insist on them being on just incase they cant see the big tipper infront of them . one in particular i got to won’t let you through the gate if you dont have them on …

Why do some trucks eqipped with orange flashing lights that are only meant to be used when necessary use them all the time?
On several ocassions now I have seen bulk tippers and low loaders carrying no load with their flashing lights on.
These people are as bad as the ones that use fog lamps unnecessarily causing a major distraction especially in the dark.
About time these unprofessionals were dealt with!

you sir are a genius … would’nt it make more sense to think they’d just forgot to turn them off ■■
or are you yet another tipper hater.?

thier is a difference between fog lights and orange becons , dont you think ?

i dont think i’v ever met any driver , tipper or not , that randomly turns his/her whirrly twirrlys on for no good reason . what are you going to complain about next ?

bowser what the hell r u on about?try reading my post properly before coming out with utter crap!Did I mention fog lamps?
You are obviously in the minority according to the other replies and no I dont hate tippers or their drivers but I do hate bad driving and misuse of flashing lights. DUH…get rid of load…switch lights off…not hard is it?
I have not decided what to complain about next but there is plenty choice with all the bad driving on the roads!

but I do hate bad driving and misuse of flashing lights. DUH…get rid of load…switch lights off…not hard is it?

so at some point some one has removed the flashy lights and hit you with them ■■ what with you saying misuse and all .

and you are quite correct , " get rid of load and switch them off " you must be an expert then ! because i know when i tip say on a landfill i have nothing else to think about other than my annoying flashy things .
my god man i’d hate to live in your house if someone dare forget to flush , get a grip man they aint being left on to annoy you or anyone else its a simple oversight thats all … or in some cases a legal requirement .