Universal training gloucester

A big hello to everybody on here!Just started to put the wheels in motion,got my medical and theory done.Got an assessment with universal in gloucester next week.I could not seem to find any recommendations regarding this company on here.Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
I would have liked to have gone down to exeter to a company called SRTS,theres plenty of good recommendations on here.I live in South Wales and what with staying in the cheapest B&B its not going to be cheap.
Cheers Nick

If your wanting accomodation Peter Smyth offers a course with b&b thrown in give him a call and have a chat wont cost u anything I have trained with his company and can personally reccomend as can many on here , mind you knowing Pete might cost you a packet of biscuits :wink:


If you’re going from South Wales to Gloucester, try SOMAX in Bristol instead.


I have trained with both SRTS and Peter Smythe.

SRTS are excellent trainers on the road but fell far short on expectation for Mod 4 training.

Peter Smythe is a good all round trainer and as has already been mentioned he throws in accommodation for the intensive courses.

Best of luck with your training journey and stay away from training brokers. :slight_smile: